Coral Gables music scene...

<p>....does it exist? I'm talking local music; opportunities for bands, performers, etc. I've played in various bands throughout high school (and had the opportunity to gig all over and around the small-town area I live in) and I'd really like to continue that in college. The other schools I'm considering (IU, UMich) are your quintessential college towns, with no shortage of coffee shops and clubs that provide opportunities for emerging local bands; in fact, I'd say Bloomington and Ann Arbor are among the most well-known college towns with regard to the local music scene.</p>

<p>UMiami, of course, was quite different from these two places. I got a different vibe entirely from Coral Gables, as it seems to be a very, very affluent place (which to be honest turned me off quite a bit despite how much I loved the campus) that does not have a traditional college town feel to it. Does anyone have any experience with this matter?</p>

<p>i’ve personally been able to hook up some gigs. not necessarily in coral gables, but in the larger miami area. if you’re any good and can make some connections at Frost or get on WVUM, there’ll be some opportunities.</p>

<p>incidentally, what do you play? lol i’ve been thinking about joining a band in college</p>

<p>I don’t know about bands and performers, but if you’re into music you should join wvum. I’m actually in the WVUM studio right now broadcasting :slight_smile: Listen in on! Just about everyone at WVUM is obsessed with music and we’re <em>cough cough</em> expanding <em>cough cough</em> next month, so we’ll be even bigger.</p>

<p>@rankinr: WVUM seems like a great organization. That’s definitely a plus- thanks! Hopefully if I get involved in that I can put some feelers out as far as actual performing opportunities go, but even as a standalone thing that’s definitely something I can see myself getting involved in, especially with audio production, as that’s also something I’ve done quite a bit of in high school and enjoyed immensely. Thanks for the recommendation! And it’s nice to see there’s more to Miami than house music. My visit for Singer weekend was on Ultra weekend and it was slightly suffocating, lol.</p>

<p>@kidfromthebeach: I am a guitarist, 11 years and going stronger than ever. I’m mostly into blues and indie pop/rock (vastly different styles, I know haha). How about you? I’m always on the lookout for people to jam with! ;)</p>