Core for Gtown College

<p>Is there core requirements for the college?
And if so, what are they?</p>

<p>Yes, you need to do 2 literature courses, 2 theology, 2 philosophy, 2 social sciences (you can choose from government, linguistics, etc), 2 histroy, and 2 math/science. You are exempt from the social science req. if you major in a science. Hope this helps!!</p>

<p>So if I were to major in English.. I still have to do 2 lit courses?</p>

<p>yes, but you'd need to do them anyways because you req is two lower level courses, which you will need to take in order to do higher level english courses. so even in there was no req in literatutre, you'd need the courses.</p>

<p>alukaszewicz-- did you apply EA last year? </p>

<p>and on topic-- do AP/IB exams get me out of core credits if I wanted to do that?</p>

<p>Last year I applied RD. </p>

<p>I know that some AP courses and probably some IB as well get you out of some of the core requirements but not all. For example, I think history is one you can get out of, but not theology. Also, for literature, for example, AP credit lets you choos which courses to take rather than doing the one they choose and also reduced the req to one instead of two courses. </p>

<p>Check out this site for more into: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I just finished my first draft of my Gtown APP!!!!!
hehe I'm almost done now!!!! ready to send everythinggg!!!</p>

<p>Let me know if you need me to proofread anything. Just email me at <a href=""></a>. Good luck!!</p>

<p>thanks a bunch!!</p>

<p>from what I read on Gtown's website, you can waive certain requirements w/ AP or IB credits. For example by taking AP Physics or Chem and AP Calc AB/BC, by getting fours and 5s you can waive the science req.</p>

<p>so can you get a 4 and still get out of classes?</p>


<p>You can also test out of some requirments by taking placement exams at Gtown, right?</p>

<p>EDIT: also, do you know if that social science exmeption for science majors also works the other way around? i.e. would an english major have to take science courses, also?</p>

<p>if they have the right AP credits, then yes.</p>

<p>No, I mean that the first weekend you're there, placement exams are given in a lot of subjects. Is it possible to test out of some kind of math or something if you score high enough on those exams?</p>

<p>And just to reiterate my previous question:
Do you know if that social science exemption for science majors also works the other way around? i.e. would an english major have to take science courses, too?</p>

<p>my bad...if they have the right AP credits, then no. Hope that cleared things up.</p>

<p>I don't know about the placement tests though.</p>

<p>Oh, okay. You know what's annoying? They don't even accept the AP Environmental Science test. Not even a '5'. I guess I just won't take it in Spring.</p>

<p>Does any current Gtown student know the answer to my question above?</p>

<p>Ugh...I'm terrible with math and science...would any of the less science-oriented "science" courses fill the requirement (for example, Psychology) ??</p>

<p>lol.. hey nikki!! i finally see you again.
how've ya been?</p>

<p>i'm in the same position as you for the science thing lol..</p>

<p>Psychology is a social science, so unfortunately not.</p>