Cornell Fall 2017 Transfer

@taryn97 @doctork hahaha no. Mine didn’t update either, I was just wondering

@thinhnc237 That would suck. I’ve logged in at least 7 times by now lol

@jinzo000 the IT guys should be frustrated because we try to click on forgot Pin/Pasword on the decision site lol

@thinhnc237 Haha seriously…

Somehow I got removed from the list for Human Ecology, so adding myself again. In any event, I haven’t heard anything back yet. Anyone have news?

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences:
schlagzeugerin- Biological Engineering and Animal Science
doctork - Information Science
VaishS - Biological Sciences
ngujo96 - Human Biology
InfoSci - Information Science
panicattheapp - Biometry and Statistics
trynamakecollege - Biometry and Statistics
cc2LAuniversity - Statistics
DrRich - Biology and Society
happy6523 - Biological Science

College of Architecture, Art, and Planning:

College of Arts and Sciences:
reachinghigher15 - Economics
mjstewart1224 -
HopefullyIGetIn - Economics
mjr2013 - Biology and Society
YSMartinez - Philosophy
acal7504 - Mathematics
luckybaby - Computer Science
nubes24 - Philosophy
BTAN30 - Economics
va2pittsburgh - Economics
rubberducky123 - Economics
Sunzhaoyu - Asian Studies
ShwiftyPugs - Information Science
dchn (Accepted 4/17)
umbra505 (Accepted 4/17)
maeee09 - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
samantha42 - Archaeology
HopefulCollege95 - Computer Science
packman012- history

College of Engineering:
tomster10010 - Computer Science
sleighride4life - Biomedical Engineering
Med509 - Environmental Engineering
inordie - Computer Science
Rafael094 - Mechanical Engineering

College of Human Ecology:
ruby21 - Design & Environmental Analysis
aihcxx- Policy Analysis and Management
bobsmith5101-policy analysis and management

School of Hotel Administration:
litlhoward2468 (Accepted 4/17)

School of Applied Economics and Management:

School of Industrial & Labor Relations :
ILRie18 (Accepted 4/17)
vlindo (GT) (Accepted 4/17)
Bobby10 (Accepted 4/17)
BondTaurus (Accepted 4/17)

hey guys i have a confession i didnt actually apply to cornell i just wanted to make friends on this forum. please dont hate me

hey has anyone gotten into the college of human ecology yet?

Is it bad that I haven’t heard from CALS yet?

@transfer2020 I haven’t heard back either :frowning:

@ILR2020 why are you trying so hard to get out of NYU again

@ILRTransfer3 because NYU is a mediocre school (Top 40) with no campus.

I would rather go to any TOP 15 University than NYU

@ILRTransfer3 why are you leaving UIUC?

How do we know if our application has been sent in for review, does it say it on the check application status?

Honestly, that seems like a really petty reason. Calling NYU a “mediocre school” is pretty offensive, it is an excellent school. I am at a top 20 US University myself, and I have really good reasons to transfer to Cornell (reasons I won’t disclose because it would pretty much give away which school I am at, and I like privacy).

@ngujo96 Yes it does, underneath the test scores box

I think my first comment came across as too harsh. It is just by calling NYU a mediocre school and acting like you are too good for it is very inconsiderate to many people. I know so many people who would kill to go to NYU, or any school like it. To me it almost seems as if you are glory hunting for a “top 15 University” type of prestige instead of trying to find a really good fit. Especially since schools in the top 15 like cal tech, harvard, cornell, princeton, brown, stanford, etc etc all have very different cultures, and I doubt that any person would be a fit at all of them. I don’t mean to offend you, just trying to give you some perspective and how you are already in an awesome university.

@HopefulCollege95 agree! I was recently accepted to both NYU and Cornell for transfer. NYU has always been my first choice and my dream school. Had they had given me more finaid I would go there in a heartbeat.

@ILR2020 Ask yourself why you are applying in the first place, is it the name brand? the prestige? the culture? the alumni? Your college experience is what you make of it. No matter where you go, you can have your ‘dream’ college experience, it will only be ruined if you think your school sucks or isnt as good the next one. Just my two cents


The way the ratings system works, NYU’s US news ratings were never going to be that high due to the gigantic size of their student body. In terms of job placement and academic reputation though, they’re probably better than a lot of elite privates (such as Vandy).

I’m trying to leave UIUC because I’m a poor social fit as well as for certain career reasons. That doesn’t change the fact that Illinois is an amazing school that will provide anyone that goes there with an excellent education.

Congrats on NYU and Cornell, that is so amazing!!! One of my close friends is applying to transfer to NYU now actually.

And I completely agree that college is what you make of it, if you go in with a bad attitude about it then things just won’t work out. Of course sometimes the fit is just wrong, but you gotta put your best foot forward.