cornell mail

<p>for some bizarre reason, I received an admission booklet for Cornell. I dont know how I got it as my psat score was abysmal (1240)/1600. ***, does this mean i have a decent chance at cornell.</p>

<p>bump, this is interesting</p>

<p>1240 isn't that bad, a friend got booklet from harvard with 890/1600 and was later accepted by harvard.</p>

<p>1240 for psat is promising, especially if you are a freshman, so it could (and it might not) mean that Cornell wants you to consider them as you progress through high school, and as far as your chances, everyone has a shot at Cornell, just keep on working and you'll know by the end of your junior year what your chances are, and if you are a freshman, nice job on the psats, good luck</p>

<p>I don't think receiving an admission booklet would mean you have a better chance than others who have not receive it, but yeah you certainly have a shot.</p>

<p>can u get into Cornell with one C. I moved from a diff state and the curriculum was so diff, so I did bad. MY overall gpa is a 93, but very good ec's</p>

<p>First of all colleges send mail to encourage you to apply. This is becuase of two reasons. </p>

<p>1 THey want your application money
2 More applications they reject = higher the rate of selectivity</p>

<p>Does anyone know the one address I can Fedex all my supplemental forms to? Cornell has several addresses for the forms. I need a single address I can send all the stuff to.</p>