Cornell vs. Brown vs. Harvard vs. Notre Dame

<p>I am a student from Minnesota and I have been accepted to Cornell, Brown, Harvard, and Notre Dame. However, I am having a difficult time choosing. I was admitted to Cornell's College of Engineering, but after touring some engineering companies, I am not sure I want to do engineering. I love math and science, but what the people were doing in offices did not entice me. Don't get me wrong, I may still want to major in engineering. I am also considering physics, economics, and math as majors. I visited Cornell and loved it. I visited Harvard and loved it. I haven't seen Brown or Notre Dame. What to do.....</p>

<p>Pardon me asking, but what are you thinking of for jobs with physics, economics, and math. I ask this because their might actually be a higher chance of an office job with these majors.</p>

<p>I know friends who have gone to Brown and enjoyed their education (one is engineering, one is physics), and no joke my cousin used to be chemist for Harvard and he actually ended up teaching there as a Professor/Researcher. </p>

<p>But really it all comes down to what college suits YOU the best man.</p>