Cornell waitlist 2027

Agree! This is our situation. Asked for extension today for this reason.

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I hope everything goes well. Good luck!!

For the TO, I know at least in CALS, transfer student will not be allowed to choose AEM provided by Dyson. Not sure if other colleges hold a similar policy.

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Omg, I received an email from Cornell FA about missing material, which is very interesting. I received one when CoE asked me to fill out the additional prompt, but this is the FIRST one since movement started. I don’t know if this is good, but it truly gives me hope😭


I hope it’s a good sign! I did see a couple people on cornell wl on reddit who also got requests from FA trying to figure out the same thing

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Don’t wanna jinx anything but that is an EXTREMELY good sign, congrats!!!

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Good luck jas_00. It look like a good sign.

It looks like a prelude for another movement! Congrats Jason! Good luck everyone! :four_leaf_clover:

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We were lucky to get our FA fast. Offer was May 2 and FA came on May 4. Even with that, my son just accepted his spot this week on May 8th. CAS typically will send out emails on Fridays so today would be a possible day to watch.

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Anybody thinks there is going to be a wave today? typically for CALS

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im praying

I’m praying for us to get in


What time in the day do people normally hear?


What college were u waitlisted at?

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the CoE for compsci

Hopefully, we hear something today. Good luck to all!!


I called the College of Engineering today and they stated that the waitlist is still open, but they won’t be making any decisions until late next week. Right now they need to determine how many people from the first waves are going to attend


Called CAS today to ask if there will be anymore waitlist acceptances. The guy on the phone said that they are unsure if they will or will not admit any others at this point. They are still waiting to hear back from earlier waitlist admits and RD admits who’ve had a FA extension. But, IF they plan on another round, that would be by the end of this month—so it doesn’t seem like there will be a round this weekend.


did anyone call cals? :frowning:

Sounds like there are not multiple waves. It is just a wave with some tiny drops afterwards​:joy::face_holding_back_tears:

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