This is a place for students who have been waitlisted at Cornell in 2018 for the class of 2022 to discuss their prospects and the statistics of the waitlist.
Does anyone know when we hear the results of the waitlist?
For the third consecutive year, Cornell has posted a record-high number of applications for admission. More than 51,000 students sought a place in the Class of 2022. As that number goes up, the overall admit rate goes down, this year to an all-time low of 10.3 percent of the applicant pool. The university has admitted 5,288 applicants (including early decision candidates) and offered 6,684 students a place on a waitlist. Applicants to Ivy League schools were notified of their selection status March 28 at 7 p.m.
Does anyone know, if I’m admitted off the waiting list, how long I get to respond?
48 hours to respond.
damn this sucks, i think i’m going to put a deposit down elsewhere
Waitlisted at cornell. looks like last year they admitted 2 percent off the wait list, so it doesn’t look too great for us
Why do they waitlist so many students? I mean 2k would be reasonable bc then 1k would probably take it and that would still be pleanty considering they only admitted 75 last year… Heck, 500 people offered a position would be plenty, but 13x that many is insane
Does anyone know if choosing the option of transferring in to the Spring 2019 term lowers the chance of being taken off the waitlist for Fall 2018?
I was thinking that if I checked the box for the Spring 2019 option and was actually considered to be let in off the waitlist the admissions officer might go “well, we already have a lot of people who we can accept for Fall 2018 so let’s just put her down for Spring 2019”. I’m probably not even going to be accepted off the waitlist, but I just wanted to make sure that in the event that I was, I wouldn’t be stuck with having to transfer in after one semester.
Also, I’m a bit unsure of the pros and cons of going into a college after the first semester- how hard is it to catch up?
Waitlist has some political use. So if a legacy just doesn’t have it they waitlist instead of reject to be more sensitive to alumni. Also they may use it to keep relations more positive with certain schools where no one got admitted this year but school may be good source of diversity in future. They don’t want counselors telling kids don’t bother applying.
Do you need to write a “letter of continued interest” or just fill out the form?
Is there any rank to the waitlist? Is it just luck getting off of it?
@bogeyorpar I’m gonna write a letter of continued interest bc the form didn’t really ask anything except if you wana stay on the waitlist.
Did any of you get an email from the specific college you applied to this morning?
@M_51222 i did
Is everyone who goes to the waitlist form being offered the option of Spring 2019? And if so, doesn’t that mean potential several thousand people trying to get those 60 Spring admit spots?
Looks like only two colleges offer spring admission, and the program is brand new this year, so no history to check.
From what I’ve hearing/reading at this point, it’s offered to anyone waitlisted at those two schools… my s is waitlisted at CAS which it says there will be 30 spring spots… seems like horrific odds either way? Uggggh.