Cornell waitlist 2027

Did the College of Engineering ask you to fill out a form as soon as possible?

Yep, I got that form Thursday, filled it out Friday, and they admitted me yesterday. I’m not sure if they send that to everyone or not though.

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Any updates for the dyson school? I got a thank you for sending my LOCI in and my school told me a cornell admissions officer/representative reached out to verify transcripts/grades (they wouldn’t specify but i have all A+s so it should be a good thing) but i haven gotten/heard of anything yet. what do you guys think?


Can I ask you how you sent your LOCI? Did you upload it to your portal, or did you send an email?

Sounds like a good sign.

Thank u for responding!! Congrats again

which major did you get admitted for? congrats again!

Were any more emails confirming interest for CAS sent out?

It is true to say that people get off waitlist by the major in college
The two people who got of from CAS college were for Data Science.

Someone on reddit also got off for physics

REVISED Estimate: 299 off the waitlist this year (with overall yield 65.0%).
I had made the 245 estimate based on 100% yield rate of the waitlistees, but poking around the site yesterday, I saw last 3 years data where they report waitlist yields (~70-90%), so using last years, looks like this year will be a record-setting 299.


CAS only has data science minor


Excellent prediction. I wonder why Cornell started sending confirmations prior to the May 1 deadline for making deposits. Do they already have a general sense of their expected yield?


I am wondering the same and do not have an answer. I am also a bit surprised by how many were admitted off the WL last year.

Idle speculation, but perhaps a combination of Covid gap years, increased # of apps due to test optional making yield management predictions more difficult, and the expansion of North Campus that allows for more freshmen on campus.

Hi, the most likely explanation why Cornell is sending confirmations prior to May 1 is that they realized that my prediction was correct :wink: and that they have a lot of catching up to do. In a simple sense, they are here because they accepted too few EDs and gave out too few RD acceptances. Maybe this year they wanted to be extra sure not to over-enroll for whatever reason. It’s probably easier to back fill like this than worrying about housing the extra few. As for their yield rate, I am sure by now they have a sense of their historic deposits/yields at this point, which is why the gates are opening.


It’s hard to know, but as far as their stated target, this year the class size is 3441, which is smaller than the last 2 years.

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is there any information abt the waitlist acceptances for the college of engineering?

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So far I’ve seen two people on this thread say they got in and sent their form response on Friday. I haven’t seen anything on other websites. I think coe will probably come out with more acceptances over this week.

Will CAS release another wave in the following weeks? Or is this the final wave?