Cornell waitlist 2027

We submitted CoE form on Friday and haven’t heard back since then. Wondering what is the process behind the scenes?! And will they make an offer to all those they reached out to?

no idea, but it would be a bit odd to only release one wave, before may 1 nonetheless

I believe they sent the form to everyone, as the process is laid out on their website.
So far we have seen two people are off waitlist from Engineering. Apparently, there are more who didn’t come to CC to report. Very likely it depends upon demographic profile of the student who chose not to enroll such as gender, race, ethnicity, region, major, etc. I also believe that no FA is at advantage.

I take it back as at this point, they are not sure who does not enroll. They will just take students judging from their initial application and answer to the question in the form.

Since the form is about the major, maybe the criteria are 1. major(s) that have less students enrolled than targeted numbers; 2. willingness to come to Cornell. 3. FA.

Do you know his major and if he applies for FA? Thanks.

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If you don’t mind sharing, what is your major? Thanks.

So why is northing being heard fom Brooks school?. Are they not accepting poeple off?

Also, Cornell’s practice of admitting by college makes the balancing act more challenging as some of the smaller schools have hard upper limits.

I don’t want to say too specifically, but it is not a very popular major (not CS or mechanical or biomed). I’m sure that my choice in major is part of the reason I got off. I don’t think it has to do with not needing FA tho, because I applied for FA and my EFC is pretty low.

Dear merlin77, thanks for sharing. That is very helpful. Big congratulations!

Also, hope you will get FA as you need it.

I thought Cornell accepted by College only. So they subdivide each College applicants by major as well?

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Don’t think much about it. No one knows how Cornell does that, as Cornell doesn’t provide any information regarding this

They don’t necessarily divide waitlists by majors. But apparently if there are less students working on some majors, they need to recruit.


Congrats! Can you share when your kid sent their letter of continued interest?

Dear jas_00,

Are there movements on your waitlist?
My D didn’t see the email until M and turned in the form on T. Nothing happened since then.
She is in Engineering.

Everyone, anything happened today or did you hear anything like CoE sent out offers today? Thanks for sharing.

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Can you also share if your kid received a letter offering a spot directly or did they get a letter similar to the engineering students saying they wanted a confirmation of interest and then offered a spot?

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