
<p>Is the U of A dorm Coronado as bad as everyone makes it out to be?</p>

<p>Hopefully not, thats the dorm I got.</p>

<p>From what I've heard, it is bad. They don't call it Scoronado for nothing. If I were you, I would request reassignment immediately.</p>

<p>yea i saw this article and coronado is where there is the most violations and drugs, alcohols and stuff where cops frequently bust in.....while Yuma is the quietest</p>

<p>I've been there.</p>

<p>It's disgusting.</p>

<p>Scoronado</a> - University of Arizona -</p>

<p>A review, albeit a bit old. Has negatives and positives, and seems fairly unbiased.</p>

<p>I actually chose Coronado to live in (call me stupid, whatever). From the people similar to me that I've talked to, it isn't really as bad as some people would want you to believe.</p>

<p>I wanted a big dorm, as the social aspect is something I really wanted. I know it's not the newest, and doesn't have the "best" (very subjective term) reputation, but it seemed to have everything I was looking for.</p>

<p>My eventual decision came when I told myself - It isn't a lifetime commitment. It's 9 months. Good or bad, I'll walk away with something.</p>

<p>(I'm speaking from a guy's point of view. I'm sure a girl has different criteria for their living quarters.)</p>

<p>I heard that that was the dorm with the most STDs in the U.S. a few years back...</p>

<p>I don't see how that could be proved.</p>

<p>Ya, thats not true. Its impossible to know. Even if they poll everyone, people will lie. Its just like when we did drug surveys in high school. Most of us end up saying we smoke meth, cocaine, etc. even though we've never touched drugs in our lives.</p>

<p>Yeah, can't prove that, it's just the reputation. But still, it's pretty nasty from the kids i hear from....</p>

<p>i have heard good and bad things about nado. however im looking to live somewhere with a big social scene and i saw nado as the best choice for that. thats why i have it as my first choice for this coming year</p>

<p>and1baller753, have you not gotten assigned yet? I had it down as my first, but was assigned it a few weeks ago.</p>

<p>i applied for housing in mid feb..thats when i got accepted</p>

<p>i have not been assigned yet. im hoping for nado</p>

<p>Well, if you get it, cya there!</p>

<p>When I visited U of A everyone was telling me to pick Coronado. It will definitely be a fun dorm with 800 people. Did you guys put it as your first choice? I put as my fourth but still got it. I'm happy with Coronado :).</p>

<p>I'm a parent, of a current Freshman Girl from a Catholic HS in So Cal. I read the stories about "Scorenado", scared the heck out of me. Bottom line the stories are WAY out of proportion. Big Dorm, alot of different people, my daughter, and 6 girls from her HS had NO problems.</p>