Honor Dorms-Yay or nay?

<p>I was accepted last fall, and am working on the housing app. Since I was admitted to the Honors College should I live in the Honors dorms? And if so, which one?</p>

<p>Choose the one which has sinks in the rooms! <em>I dont remember which one it was, but I'm sure the info is easily available</em></p>

<p>I know my dtr at U. of O. had a great experience in the honors dorm. I too want to know more about dorm choices at U. of Az.
Is Coronado the only suite style bathroom choice?
How are the new dorms?</p>

<p>Do not go to Coronado, it is the biggest dorm, always loud and annoying (what I heard).</p>

<p>Pima are said to be nice dorms, with a bathroom per 4 people.</p>

<p>San Pedro is the new dorm for Honors. D lived there last year, like the dorm alot. She spent her freshman year at Kai/H it was honors then, really loved that dorm. Each building has a personality. </p>

<p>Scorando is a party dorm as is AZ/SO. Anything in Highland is nice, they are all new.</p>

<p>Manzie-Mo has a lot of art and music students because of close proximity to these classrooms.</p>

<p>from anyone's experience, which is better...
a bigger room or quad style bathrooms?</p>

<p>coronado vs. az-so</p>

<p>Yuma is the Honors dorm with sinks. I lived there three years ago and didn't have a very good experience. On the other hand, a lot of the people there did. It just depends on what you're looking for. I was one of the only science majors in the entire dorm. I was looking for a place to study hard during the week and people to go out with on the weekends. The Honors dorm (to my surprise) didn't offer this. The majority of the people there (also to my surprise) had really easy majors. No one ever had any homework or academic responsibilities...but no one would want to go out anywhere, either. So it ended up being a bunch of people with too much time on their hands being loud all of the time. I didn't meet anyone to study with during the week...or go out with on the weekends. I also thought people in the Honors dorm, or at least mine, were very rude and mean spririted. Many of them had attitude problems and thought they were the smartest people to grace U of A. I think that living in the one of the new dorms like Villa del Puente (sp?) would be the best option.</p>

<p>thanks for the post on your honor's dorm experience. my son is also a science major and listed your recommended dorm as a first choice. do you have any experience on how that compares to AZ-SO?</p>

<p>My roommate lived in AZ-SO her sophomore year and liked the atmosphere. It's one of the larger dorms, so that has pros and cons with it. On one hand there's a lot more people and a greater chance of meeting others with similar interests. It might be louder at times, though, since it is one of the bigger dorms (but doesn't have the party reputation of the similar sized dorm, Coronado). It's in a nice location right by the Park Student Union and a pair of sand volleyball courts. If I remember correctly I think the floors alternate between being male and female floors and there are some rooms for three people and others for two. I don't mean to discourage your son from living in Yuma...I think the majority of the people there liked it. I think the atmosphere really caters to students with fairly eccentric behavior and mostly everyone there majored in international business. My roommate (who was randomly selected and also a science major) and I were quickly outcasted for our line of study. When I applied, I was an out of state resident and did not realize that Yuma is the dorm where all of the Flinn scholars live. They quickly formed a clique and were quite rude to anyone not on this scholarshiop. Yavapai (the other all Honors dorm) is known for being friendlier than Yuma.</p>

<p>I think he listed his two choices as Villa and then AZ-SO. Between those two, any advise? Are the rooms at AZ-SO a lot bigger than Villa?
What about campus location?
Thanks again!</p>

<p>If I had to pick any dorm on campus to live in, it would definitely be Villa. It's only a couple of years old and really, really nice. It's designed beautifully with a nice lobby and study rooms with lots of tables and break rooms with vending machines. The rooms are a pretty good size, too. At AZ-SO the rooms I saw were slightly bigger, but a third person shared them. They had bunk beds on one side of the room and a single bed on the other. The beds took up enough space where the additional size wasn't significant. Villa has bunk beds, but I think they can be unhooked and made into singles as well. Villa also had a cafe on the first floor that's really convenient. It has a deli, coffe shop, and small marketplace. I'm not sure how familiar you are with campus, but nothing's a very far walk from most of the dorms. I would say Villa in a little better location, though. It's just off from the main strip of buildings (the mall). Since your son's a science major he'll probably have a lot of his classes in the building Koffler. Villa is right behind this - about a two minute walk. It's also right across the street from the rec center. AZ-SO is more on the edge of campus on the west side. It's right next to the second student union. It's quite a bit older and bigger than Villa. It's close to University Blvd which is the main street off of campus that has a lot of restaurants and stores. Both dorms are right by a Zone 1 parking lot. If you son is going to have a car, I would recommend getting the Zone 1 permit because they have parking lots all over campus. When I lived on campus I didn't have a car. It's nice to have one, but you can definitely get along fine without one. I would pick Villa over any dorm on campus because it's nicer, newer, large enough to meet a lot of people that have similar interests to yours but small enough to have a good community feel, and in probably the best location on campus (although none are really in a bad one). Hope that helps and feel free to ask any questions you have!</p>

<p>Your description was so helpful. Thanks for taking the time to list all the pros and cons of each. Sounds as if he made a good choice! Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Can anyone help and add a reccommendation of a dorm for an Honors Engineering student for my S. We are OOS.</p>

<p>San Pedro is the newest and nicest Honors. I don't believe that is a engineering honors dorm. D is honors student stayed in Pedro last year like it alot. </p>

<p>She is an OSS also, I would encourage your son to go to Bear Down Camp. It was a great way for her to meet people before school starts. She is still friends with all these folks years later. It gave her a real leg up on what classes to take there are some really special gen eds. She also learned many of the schools traditions. They as a group went and painted the ASU "A" blue in Phoenix. In the middle of the night...before the big football game</p>