Corps of Cadets: can you hold a summer internship/take semesters off for research?

<p>My main reason why VT is my #1 choice is because of its Corps of Cadets.</p>

<p>However, I want to know:
Do they train in the summer?
If they do, then that cuts out my summer internship plans.</p>

<p>Can you take semesters off?
I plan on doing undergraduate research for a fall semester. Can I "jump right in" say, junior year spring sem, if I have been in it since sophomore year?</p>

<p>Can you be in the honors program AND in the corps?</p>

<p>This link says you can, but it’s determined on a case by case basis:</p>

<p>[Prospective</a> Cadets | Corps of Cadets | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Prospective”></p>

<p>1) No. But if youre in ROTC then youll most likely have summer obligations.
2) Yes. But there’s a process youll have to go through. And you wont be able to take off time during your first year due to the freshman training system.
3) Yes. But you wont be able to live in honors dorms.</p>