<p>What is the correlation between a SAT II score and an AP score? Would you say that a 760 on the SAT II US History pretty much correlates to a 5 on the AP Exam, assuming one has good writing skills?</p>
<p>not necessarily. I had a 750 (or was it a 730? not sure) on US History and got a 4 on the AP...although I did take the SAT II a year after I finished the course, so idk</p>
<p>Definitely not...but it does depend on the subject. I got a 5 in AP World last year so I thought I would get a good score on the SAT II. But, I only got a 690........which is pretty bad. (and planning to retake)</p>
<p>Last year I took the Bio SATII a week or so before the AP. I got a 760 on the SATII and a 5 on the AP.</p>
<p>EDIT: So yes, probably.</p>
<p>It has only correlated for me in spanish. 800 SAT II and 5 AP.</p>
<p>This is probably the worst case scenario. I got a 5 in APUSH, but only a 660 on the SAT 2. But I took the test after like 6 months after the AP Exam.</p>
<p>^^Mine is much worse.</p>
<p>AP: 5
SAT II: 620</p>
<p>Will absolutely retake. I took the SAT II a week? or was it 2 weeks before the AP test.</p>
<p>USH SAT II = 780, 5 on the AP
Chem SAT II = 700, 4 on the AP</p>
<p>Good correlation, I'd say.</p>
<p>Thanks to the people who have answered the question so far. It would be extremely nice if I could gather a larger sample group to see if there is truly a correlation. Some of your responses are extremely odd, such as wis3ly's 620 on SAT II and a 5 on the AP exam for US History. These sorts of anomalies are interesting. Hopefully my 760 on US History will correlate into a 5, although I am predicting a 4, personally.</p>
<p>Chem: 5-->790</p>
<p>U.S. History: 5-->800</p>
<p>The strangest thing is the smartest guy in my AP USH class thought the SAT 2 was harder than the AP Exam.</p>
<p>Really? How odd. The SAT Subject Test, I thought, was pretty simple. </p>
<p>Come on, guys! Anyone else who can provide their own, personal data should chime in so we can reach a wider, more accurate consensus.</p>
<p>for me:</p>
<p>760 physics = 5 AP Physics B
770 chem = 4 AP Chemistry
800 math 2 = 4 AP Calculus, 5 AP Statistics</p>
<p>el oh el, how did that happen</p>
<p>It appears that most of the data supports that if your SAT II score was about 760, you made a 5 on the AP exam. I would really like to gather the data from a source other than CC, because everyone on here makes 760+ anyhow. But do people beyond the CC crowd really take the Subject Tests? When I took the January 26th test, there were only three others in the room taking a subject test, and this was from my whole county. Two girls from another school were at my school taking US History and Math II for admissions to Berkley and Davis, and I and my friend were there for US History for admissions to Duke and a couple of other places.</p>
<p>I thought SAT II was harder than the AP test. Partly because I didn't really prepare for the SAT II, although it was a week or two before the AP. I "assumed" SAT II was easier since it was all multiple choice. However, SAT II does ask weird/specific questions like in the book blah blah, what did Ralph Nader advocate?</p>
<p>I'm naturally bad at multiple choice and superb at DBQ and Essay, that's probably why I got a 5. However, I still think the AP multiple choice was much easier than that of the SAT II.</p>
<p>Of course there's a correlation, in the same way that a high GPA correlates to high board scores and high scores correlate to greater college acceptance.</p>
<p>If you do well on an SAT II and then do well on the corresponding AP, it's not necessarily because the knowledge tested overlapped or anything, it's just that you're the kind of student that does well on tests, period.</p>
<p>Not sure what the point of this thread is?</p>
<p>For daughter in junior year:</p>
<p>Chem: SAT II 760, AP 5
US Hist: SAT II 770, AP 5</p>
<p>In her case a stronger correlation. For both SAT II's she did no studying beyond was she was already doing for the AP classes/test.</p>
<p>@ wis3ly</p>
<p>Ah, yes! I remember the Ralph Nader question! There were some odd questions like that, that appeared very random, but I knew all of the wacky, random stuff. I have a friend that is obsessed with Nader, so that helped too. ;-)</p>
<p>@ Gold Shadow</p>
<p>You say that the only reason a correlation exists between a high SAT II score and a high AP test score is good test taking skills. While this is partially true, I am sure some one with no knowledge of the subject but "good test taking skills" cannot do well and establish a positive correlation. </p>
<p>The point of this thread is:
Examine whether a correlation exists between SAT II and AP
{Content Curriculum Differences}
{The absence of DBQ/Essays on the SAT II -> How that affects the scores}
{Note anomalies, if there are any} </p>
<p>Are you implying in your post that there are just some people that don't test well, but know the knowledge?</p>
<p>maybe it's because the AP test has sections where you can explain your answer, not just show your knowledge of a topic through a single one-dimensional multiple choice question (like the majority of the SAT)...</p>