Could i earn money from texas A&M?

Hello. I’m a junior. I want to go to Texas A&M’s School of Engineering. And if i qualify for admissions (via 25% and 1300+ SAT) i was wondering how I would pay for it. What are some ways that people pay for it? Does A&M give much money out of the Aggie Assurance program?

My mom’s income is 30k and my dads in 69k. They live in 2 different areas(one with me in Texas and the other in Virgina), but they file their taxes together. Is it possible that if i got into Texas A&M that I would qualify for SOME financial aid? And if they ask for proof of separation or something, couldn’t i just send them information such as my dad’s working address and proof that he works their regularly.

Whether they are separated or not, both incomes will have to be reported on the FAFSA.

Have you run the net price calculator on the website? Start there.