Could I get in?

<p>I am a junior from Texas and I am very interested in Miami but I'm afraid it is a little out of my league...</p>

<p>GPA- 3.83 WEIGHTED(low rigor; only one or 2 APs per year) currently ranked 149 out of 660</p>

<p>SAT- expecting 2150+ for june </p>

<p>EC's- pretty weak: 4 year basketball(2 year letter), 4 year cross country(2 year letter) at a 5A school with 2600+ students, National Merit Qualifier(waiting to see if it is commended scholar or semifinalist, probably just commended) NHS, and hopefully creating a new club at school.... sadly i think thats it</p>

<p>I dont think its out of your league at all… I got in with a 3.5 unweighted (one of top publics in california) and 2000 sat’s with not too impressive of ec’s. Just 4 yrs of public speaking/debate and mock trial and 2 yrs of baseball/basketball.</p>

<p>sweet thanks, how do you like it just out of curiosity</p>

<p>I dont know yet… will find out in fall</p>

<p>decent chance I would think</p>

<p>you’re in.</p>

<p>are the pitiful EC’s not a big deal?</p>

<p>You varsityd in two sports…it’s not horrible. Most colleges want to see you show dedication in a few ECs rather than having a ton that you did little in. And that shows that you put time and effort into your sports.</p>

<p>As a student would it be possible for me to explore the vast natural treasures around Miami such as the everglades, the bays, and the keys? That could be a deciding factor for me if many of the students are into such outdoor activities as fishing etc. because miami was ranked the #1 fishing city by field and stream.</p>

<p>Outdoorsy or just beach bum/ clubbin atmosphere?</p>

<p>^any responses to the above question?^^</p>

<p>It’s all up to what you make of it, though you better have a car if you want to do any of that.</p>

<p>There are many opportunities to explore the south florida area. There is also an club on campus called CORPs (Canes Outdoor Recreation Programs) that does outdoor activities and trips such as kayaking, camping, cycling, fishing, etc so you’d be able to get involved with that in school if you like the outdoors.</p>