Could I move in state after being admitted?

I was planning to apply to potentially UCLA and UC Berkeley when looking for colleges. Assuming I got in my parents would most likely to move to California the summer before school started and stay there while I’m in college. Due to this, would I pay OOS tuition for all 4 years or would I pay OOS for 1 year and in-state for 3 years? Would they even allow this? The reason I’m asking this is that I’m aware part of the reason the UC’s want OOS students is that they pretty much have to pay full tuition which is a huge money generator.

If you are under 24, then your state residency is dependent upon your parents and where they reside. To establish CA residency, they have to live in California one year + 1 day prior to you attending a UC school to get in-state tuition costs. They have to prove to the UC’s that they plan to live in CA permanently and relinquish all ties with their current state of residency.

You and your parents should read this:

@Foreboding : Under your scenario, you would be OOS all 4 years.


I read over that link you sent. However, I’m still kind of confused. If my parents were to move to California before I went to the UC and stay there (even after I’m in college, however, I didn’t make that clear) while getting jobs in California (as well as cutting ties with my current state) and after living there for more than a year before my Sophomore year of college (summer before freshman year to summer before sophomore year) wouldn’t that be a reason for me to become an in-state student for Sophomore, Junior, and Senior year of college?

Or would this only work if they moved the summer of my junior year of high school to California so they were literally there an entire year before college started?

  1. If you are accepted to a UC as an OOS student (OOS HS transcript), then there is a possibility that you will be paying OOS rates all 4 years.

  2. If your parents move to CA just before you start a UC, establish CA residency and will remain in CA after you complete college, then yes your parents may only have to pay 1-2 years of OOS tuition depending upon when they move.

  3. Would your parents still move if you are not accepted to a UC?

UC’s are very strict when it comes to individuals establishing residency for tuition purposes so you and your parents need to document everything.

My parents would still move to California regardless. Thanks for clearing up that information.

Because your HS Transcript will be coming from an OOS school, your parents will have a very hard time getting instate tuition. ever.
Each years parents/ students ask if there is a way around the UC in state requirements, and most realize the chances of NOT getting reduced tuition are too great to chance moving a family to Calif, where the cost of living is among the highest in the nation.
@thumper1 , want to comment on this?

count on OOS for all 4 years. If you think that’s expensive, your parents are in for a real shock when they begin to pice housing for the family near Cal.