Could my acceptance be rescinded?

I was accepted early decision to a top university.

My grades have gone from all A’s to primarily B’s and maybe one C. I should also note that my midterm scores are not too stellar either.

When I had all A’s in my junior year, I had only 3 APs. As a senior I am doing 5 APs and one dual credit class: Calculus BC, Physics C, Statistics, English Lang, AP Gov, and Religion.

I am trying hard, but it is hard trying to get through so many APs and I’m worried about my low grades.

Do I need to worry about my acceptance being rescinded?

You’re probably fine. Don’t under any circumstances let yourself go below a C, however. A C tends to be the hard cutoff point. Also, you should read the fine print describing the conditions of your admission - sometimes they will specify things like not getting below a C or not going down by more than one full point in GPA. And if that does happen, you should have a chance to explain your poor performance (were there extenuating circumstances? how have you corrected the problem?). But one C probably won’t cause a major problem.


It will be listed on the university website. Read that since no one knows where you applied. More importantly, senior year is the year to get yourself prepared for college. Get help with your teachers to see what your missing if this is not your normal performance and might make adjusting to college easier. The classes your taking now will be easier then the ones on college so get prepared now.

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Please to give one example of a university website that answers the OP’s question. Genuinely curious.

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I know you weren’t asking me, but I can give an example.,course%20in%20your%20senior%20year.

In part, this specifies:

Because your admission has been based on the information you reported in your University of California application, we expect that you will do the following:

  1. Complete all coursework indicated in your application. Notify the Office of Admissions at if you change any academic coursework from what was reported in your application.

  2. Achieve an academic GPA of at least a 3.0 (weighted) with no grade lower than a “C” in each term of your senior year. Notify the Office of Admissions immediately if you earn a grade below a “C” in any academic course in your senior year. Please note that Pass (P) or Credit (CR) grades in UC A-G courses completed in the winter 2020 through summer 2021 terms will satisfy appropriate A-G requirements.

  3. Graduate with a high school diploma by the end of the spring term.

Then further:

Notify our office immediately if in your senior year, or in your external examinations, you:

  • receive any “D” or “F” grades or equivalent;
  • have any changes to your class schedule (withdrawals, incomplete grades, drop in academic performance, or other changes to your class schedule);
  • fail to earn a valid secondary school leaving certificate.

In the acceptnce letter from Vanderbilt, it says that I am to perform at the same level of Academic achievement as I did before applying. To clarify further, I have 2 A’s, 3 B’s, and one C. I am hoping to bring up that C in the second semester.

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Is it an acceptance or likely letter? if it is the latter then you may have some work to do as Vandy is a very stats conscious school. But I do think you will be ok. Bring up that C to a B.

This is an acceptance letter. Thanks for the reassurance.

I can’t find the exact item I wanted but most will say something similar…
Admission Revocation Policy | Undergraduate Admissions(

I have seen some list like getting a “D” with drop of grades overall would lead to this.

Admitted first-year students:

The University of Michigan expects all aspects of your academic performance and conduct in your senior year to be consistent with the record you presented upon admission. Any significant decline in your academic performance, such as three or more C’s, or any D’s, E’s, or F’s, may be cause for revoking admission. Declining grades or a significant change in curriculum may also be cause for revoking admission.

Think this is closer to what you asked for. I am tired but I see this type of thing on most sites.


So basically your GPA was 4.00 but your senior year looks like 3.16?

Vague conditions like what you mention from Vanderbilt (rather than specific standards like the UCSB and Michigan examples others mention) are great for increasing anxiety among high school seniors.

They also bring a flood of similar “will my admission be rescinded?” posts in the spring (regular admission) and summer (final high school transcript).