Could my Purdue Addmission be rescinded?

I was accepted into Purdue with a 3.8 gap unwieghted and a 2010 sat (1460 composite) but did not had outstanding grades in my second trimester:
B- in hd physics
C in ap European history
C in speech
C in ap calc bc
D in ap Chem dispite getting a a+ on the final (I rarely turned in homework)
These grades were due to a combination of senioritis and the fact I was on the wrestling team and had to lose any where from 8 to 15 pounds on a weekly basis
Since then I have b’s and a’s in my third trimester classes do you I am in trouble of having my admission rescinded?

More info I was admitted into the college of exploratory studies and sorry about the end it should say do you know if I am in trouble

Senioritis is not real. Please talk to your GC asap. You need to do some damage control and your Gc will tell you how to approach this. The D is the problem.

Agree, the D is a problem. I can’t fathom why you would jeopardize all you have worked for by not doing HW. Talk to the teacher and see if there is anything you can do to bring yo the year end grade. Talk to your guidance counselor as well. As an aside, you will need to display a greater degree of maturity when you do get to college.

Brutal, I love it, but what exactly do you guys think the chances are

Well, if you are a glutton for punishment…chances of being rescinded? On a scale of 1-10, I am thinking 7. I’d say your D combined with all those Cs might make them very concerned that you will be unable to handle the rigors of college-level work. How can any of us know the chances? You need to have your GC intervene on your behalf. I believe many colleges say the can rescind offers for Ds. And remember, they have a great big waitlist filled with students who would love your spot.

Does that 7 mean 70% chance or just pretty likely also does it help that the first tri of the year I got all a’s in the same classes except instead of speech I had w131 ( a Indiana university offered English Class ). There was also other personal circumstances explaining my grades

I think that meant 70% chance/quite possible, but how do I know? There is no point in me trying to guess what will happen. Tomorrow is Monday. You need to talk to your GC. If your GC doesn’t intervene on your behalf to explain your grade drop, you might find yourself without a college to attend in September.

Also check with your guidance counselor about what grades get sent in the year end report. Many HS just send the final grade. This will give you time to pull it together and bring all of your grades up before year end.

We were told that as long as the admitted student graduated HS, he would be ok.

Hi, does anyone do IB here? Do you know whether they rescind your offer if you fail IB?

I ended up not having any problems with rescinded admission. To anyone who is looking for information about this I would suggest not worrying about what people here say they are more like internet trolls than experts on the subject so I wouldn’t put to much weight on their opinions.

it censored tr0lls that’s funny

Well this guy was rescinded for a D and some Cs, so it is a thing.

@MasterOfDecept If you apply to schools with IB predicted scores (like NYU) and don’t hit the mark your acceptance will be rescinded. Some international school require a certain IB score. My daughter graduated from a full IB private school and is waiting for her IB scored.

To be fair, you asked people to predict the future and then ended up annoyed when they couldn’t, OP. I wouldn’t put “to” much weight on anything you get from anonymous internet strangers, but CC is pretty helpful as far as those things go.