Could some kind soul help me?

<p>Hi there,</p>

<p>I will apply as a freshman for Fall 2010, and though I have relatively decent stats, I think I won’t get in to any of the UC’s that I want (Davis, Irvine, SB, and of course LA and B). </p>

<p>That being said, I was wondering that if I get into one of the lower UC’s such as Santa Cruz, Riverside, or Merced, can I transfer into a higher UC–perhaps even Berkeley or LA if I keep my grades up? Also, I plan to go to Medical School so I would probably take classes which are heavy on science and what not, and was wondering if these are “impacted” majors since I am a transfer</p>

<p>In case this confuses anyone, let me clarify:</p>

<p>-I hope to get into UC Santa Cruz
-I would transfer there before junior year, or whatever is possible
-I would want to transfer into science classes (if they are not “impacted”)
-Also, if this is possible and I am able to do it, when I graduate–will my degree be from the UC I transferred to, or will it be something different?</p>

<p>Thank You very much, if you were able to keep up with it :)</p>

<p>bump please</p>

<p>Well first, I think it would be useful to know what your stats are, cause you might have a better shot than you think. But to answer your questions to the best of my ability:</p>

<p>-I hope to get into UC Santa Cruz
(are you so sure you can’t get in with your current stats?)
-I would transfer there before junior year, or whatever is possible
(CC transfers tend to be easier than UC-UC if I remember correctly, since the CC’s have programs that allow you to automatically be accepted if you fulfill the requirements. I’m not 100% sure of all of this so could someone confirm? Either way though, you’ll have to do 2 years somewhere before transferring, as lower-division transfers are rare and difficult.)
-I would want to transfer into science classes (if they are not “impacted”)
(Most important thing is to finish all the prerequisite classes for whatever major you want to do before transferring, so refer to the college/major catalog and see a counselor to make sure you’re completing everything that you need to. Generally, you’ll need a year of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math for most science majors… although this DOES vary a lot so make sure to check out the specifics for your major and the college you want to transfer to.)
-Also, if this is possible and I am able to do it, when I graduate–will my degree be from the UC I transferred to, or will it be something different?
(The degree you get is from the school you ultimately graduate from, assuming you complete enough units there. For example, at UCLA you have to complete at least 90 quarter units (about 2 years) at the school to get your degree… but it does not mention that you transferred/where you transferred from.)</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>It isn’t impossible to transfer between UCs, but it isn’t encouraged or easy, and I think it’s likely to be getting harder. As the previous poster noted, it’s easier to transfer from CCs, and there are guaranteed transfer programs. In fact, I believe there are even transfer programs to schools like Cornell.</p>

<p>If you’re sure about pre-med, you may be better off at UC–Riverside than UC–Santa Cruz. UCR has strong medical school affiliations (particularly with UCLA) and I believe the plans to open a 4-year medical school at UCR are well-advanced. </p>

<p>Don’t write off your dreams, but do have a plan in case you aren’t successful the first time. :)</p>

<p>In general, it is easier to transfer into a UC from a community college than from either a CSU or a different UC. If you do not get into a UC that you want, going into a transfer-program at a cc puts you on a good track for transferring with transferable units, the right courses, etc. Some of the cc’s have higher transfer rates than others, but this is probably the way to go if you have your heart set on a UC and you aren’t accepted out of hs.</p>

<p>Thanks Alot Guys, in case any of you are interested these are my current stats</p>

<p>I am going into my senior of high school and live in CA
I have a 3.78 (UC) weighted GPA/3.65-3.66 unweighted
1900 SAT (Going to Retake)
Have taken AP/Honors entire life
AP Euro-3
AP ENG-3</p>

Teacher’s Aid in a Special Education School
Top Performer of Mock Trial Club
Member of Local Teen Council
Varsity Tennis 1 year
LEO Club
100+ hours of volunteering</p>

<p>KMA, I’m pretty sure you’ll get into Santa Cruz and likely Santa Barbara as well.</p>

<p>My advice to you is not to transfer out from the lower UCs to the higher ranked ones if you plan on going to med school. Med schools care more about your GPA and resume than they do which school you graduated from. A 4.0 from Riverside is better than a 3.5 from Berkeley if you want to be a doctor.</p>

<p>You have a good shot at UCSB. If you dont for Pre Med you are way better off at UCR or maybe UCM than UCSC. UCR pretty much already has a med school. You can complete two years there and the last two at UCLA. But by the time you are finish UCR Med will be done. UCM is in a crappy town ,but because of the size you can get a research position easily and they give a crap load of Fin Aid and they are the next ones that will be getting a MED school according to the my admission counselor and their site</p>

<p>I know of a kid who wanted UCSC and was offered admission to UC merced with some kind of guaranteed transfer to UCSC after two years ( I assume he had to maintain some minimum gpa). He did not end up taking the offer, but it is an option that might be appealing to some.</p>

<p>Well, I can just hope for the best–I personally think my best bet is to go to a CC and get a guranteed admission to a better UC, or just transfer
I dont know, still kinda scared