<p>I know I might be overly anxious,
but my counselor has not replied to my e-mail through the U of Chicago's admissions site for over a week now.
Is it because my counselor's busy or because she's already done reviewing my application and does not feel the need to message me back (it can be good or bad)?</p>
<p>edmandoo (korean? lol),</p>
<p>i contacted my counselor last week and i still haven’t heard from him. before that, i heard from him almost immediately (a day or two after). i wouldn’t worry too much about it. since it’s getting deeper into November and closer to December, counselors are probably very busy.</p>
the name’s edmund.
But ed-mandoo is a nice twist i think :D</p>
<p>If it’s a general question that’s non-counselor specific, I would suggest to try calling the main phone number of the admissions office.</p>