e-mail possibilities

<p>2 and a half weeks ago I e-mailed my counselor about how to send my art works to Chicago not through the art supplement (because I didn't have an art teacher rec).</p>

<p>But she never responded.</p>

<p>So maybe I'm overthinking it, but by not replying, is my counselor giving me an implied message of, "There would be no point for you to send your art works because you have not been accepted!"</p>

<p>Just wondering why my counselor had not sent me a reply for a long time :(</p>

<p>Can’t you go into your counselor’s office and talk to her? It might just be something that she wanted to discuss with you in person.</p>

<p>I’m talking about my U of Chicago counselor, and I live in CA</p>


<p>I really doubt that is the case. Remember people with incomplete applications have a full 2 more days to get all their materials into the office, they aren’t going to just hang you out to dry. </p>

<p>If this is something you feel strongly enough about, I would call into the office first thing tomorrow morning. There is a high possibility that they are going to say no to you sending in your additional materials (When you say art I am assuming your music? --I know you are a musician/lyricist, but IDK). The reason why I say this is a) It is past the EA due date b) A lot of schools (IDK about Chicago) have policies where they don’t review peoples extraneous submissions. </p>

<p>By the amount of enthusiasm you show for UofC on the boards here, I am sure your application is AMAZING and not being able to submit your art will not be the end of the world. Most applicants just submit the required forms/essays, standing out in this regard is much more powerful than sending in additional things to add on top. So good luck!</p>

<p>Also, try calling or e-mailing a general phone number.</p>

<p>T_t <3
i hope to see you guys there!</p>