couple o general questions

<p>First I was wondering how the tickets to sporting events were obtained(basketball, football), and is it hard to ever get the tickets? Is there some kind of lottery or is prefrence given to people who go to lots of games?</p>

<p>Second i wanted to know how much harder if at all the work load for engineers is compared to the rest of the university. Are the engineers constantly working, even on the weekends, or can they always go and party on the weekend without screwing their gpa? thansks a bunch</p>

<p>Football you just swipe in you with your student I.D.
Basketball you have to go online and request tickets and you gain loyalty points for going to the more you go to, the better your chances.
Other games (ie - soccer, lacrosse) you just go to the ticket gate and show your student I.D.</p>

<p>As for engineering, I'll leave that to someone else.</p>

<p>Engineering is hard, but it's not as bad as it's cracked up to be. You'll still have a social life. But in the end, it's up to you, what you put into it is what you get out of it. It does have a reputation for being harder than the rest of the university though. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>Tickets vary by school. The two main things either your student id acts as your ticket to most events (the typical route) or in some cases a lottery (more rare however).</p>

<p>I was also wondering about the level of difficulty of Engineering. </p>

<p>Also, has anyone been to the Ralph Lauren Rugby store in Charlottesville? Any comments?</p>

<p>D'oh, just noticed that this in the UVa forum and not the general forum -that makes my last reply a bit less relevant. bo_bombers covered it well.</p>

<p>E-School difficulty varies by person I guess. I know several friends who say it's hard, yet personally I find most of my classes on the easier side. Just depends on how well prepared you are and how much you don't mind working.</p>

<p>"Also, has anyone been to the Ralph Lauren Rugby store in Charlottesville? Any comments?"</p>

<p>Decent clothes, crazy prices.</p>

<p>The RL Rugby store seems to peddle the same kind of pseudo-preppy trendy stuff that AE or Abercrombie would sell. I don't know how successful it will be at UVA, where brands like Brooks Brothers, RL Polo, J. Crew, J. Press and others have dominated the closets of UVA students for decades. I don't think I'd buy anything there.</p>