<p>Can anyone fill me in on which courses for D to sign up for in the Summer Session? I understand 3 are required if she doesn't have enough AP credits. Is that right? Is it a basic english and math requirement plus something else? Looked thru some of these earlier threads but still foggy on this info. Also, these classes meet twice or 3 times weekly? She is trying to make adjustments with her summer job so needs this info well ahead of time.
Thanks for any info and sorry if this is on here somewhere already...</p>
<p>Your daughter will take 2 classes during summer B. Nine credits of summer work are required but if she has any AP OR CLEP credit then, this goes toward the nine credits of summer. </p>
<p>Summer classes usually meet Mon, Tue, Wed and Thursdays at the same time each day. There are no Friday classes in summer B. </p>
<p>I recommend that she start out with easier General Education classes for her first college experience. She will do well and this will help to provide a GPA cushion for her harder classes in the Fall. </p>
<p>[University</a> of Central Florida 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog - Courses](<a href=“http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/undergraduate_degree_requirements/general_education_program/courses/Default.aspx]University”>http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/undergraduate_degree_requirements/general_education_program/courses/Default.aspx)</p>
<p>My daughter is a current Freshman. Last summer B she took AMH 2010 (History) and FIL1000 (Survey of Film). She was advised against taking math during the summer since the pace is so quick. She researched which professors were teaching summer B and the students ratings of them. To do this, go to: ratemyprofessors.com</p>
<p>If you have any further questions, just ask.</p>
<p>Just went back and checked the summer 08 course lists (2009 isn’t up yet) and my D’s Film class met on Tues/Thurs (so some classes, but very few, do meet twice a week).
Check out last years schedule to get an idea of what is offered. My daughter didn’t need to take ENC 1101 (freshman composition) since she “CLEPPED out” of it. If your D is an OK English student I highly recommend trying to CLEP out of one or more Gen. Ed classes. The English Comp with essay CLEP is fairly easy…she only needs to pass with a 50 to get full (3) credits for ENC 1101. I know many kids who took the college algebra CLEP and passed as well. UCF is a testing facility for CLEP so you can see which ones they offer. CLEP tests are 1 hour or so long and so worth it!</p>
<p>Information on CLEP:</p>
<p>[University</a> of Central Florida 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog - College Level Examination Program (CLEP)](<a href=“http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/academic_regulations_and_procedures/accelerated_education/clep/Default.aspx]University”>http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/academic_regulations_and_procedures/accelerated_education/clep/Default.aspx)</p>
<p>[University</a> Testing Center (UTC)](<a href=“http://www.testing.sdes.ucf.edu/clep.php]University”>http://www.testing.sdes.ucf.edu/clep.php)</p>
<p>The 9 hours is over the course of the whole 4 years. Definitely not required and not desirable to do in one summer session.</p>
<p>thanks for all the info. i agree with the easier classes to begin with. sounds much more appealing for a first college experience. and she will feel alot less pressure that way.</p>
<p>If you “CLEP OUT” of a course is that the same as the AP test and AP credits? I am a bit confused with what the CLEP Test is. If my daughter takes the English CLEP test and scores a 50 or more does that mean she receives 3 credits for the ENC 1101 course and does not have to take it or does she have to just take the next level course, and the same for Algebra? Thanks for your help.</p>
<p>The Gen Ed requirement for English is ENC 1101, then ENC 1102, AND an oral communication class (SPC 1600/1016 or COM 1000). If you take and pass the CLEP English Comp WITH essay (>50) then you get the 3 credits for 1101 and can go right into ENC 1102. For math, it really depends upon your major. Some majors require you to take calculus or trig and some only require college algebra. Check out the link in post #4 to see what tests UCF will give credit for. CLEP is getting credit for stuff you already know so why not give it a try (especially if you don’t have AP credits).
Yes, the clep is equivalent to AP test credit!</p>
<p>freem- I noticed from previous posts that your D is planning to major in hospitality management.
<a href=“http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/degree_programs/hospitality_management.pdf[/url]”>http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/degree_programs/hospitality_management.pdf</a></p>
<p>That major only requires college algebra (not higher math) and either statistics or computer fundamentals for business. If she passed the college algebra CLEP then she would not have to take college algebra at UCF, which I have heard is REALLY difficult and poorly taught. All majors have different minimum gen. ed requirements. My daughter, a health science major, HAD to take college trigonometry. If she had scored poorly on the math placement exam (she took it online on the UCF website in May), then she would have had to start in college algebra and THEN also take trig. As it was, she was able to start UCF in trig and now she is done with math (not counting stats) at UCF unless…she decides to go premed…then she will need to take calculus…ooooh.</p>
<p>Seiclan: thanks so much, if you can’t tell this is my first and only child and I am just getting the hang of this. So much has changed since I went to college! Ok, so if she takes the Math CLEP and the ENGLISH CLEP and gets a score of 50 or more, then she should be done her math requirement and her initial english requirement. Got it. Now, one more question. She is starting Summer B and we are out of state. Do we have to come down to UCF before Summer session for her to take these tests? Can she take them at orientation (which hopefully will be the two days before Summer B starts?)</p>
<p>There are many testing centers besides UCF, where your daughter can try the CLEP exam. Look here for a center near you:</p>
<p>[About</a> the College Level Examination Program (CLEP)](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/clep/about.html)</p>
<p>Just make sure that you have the code for UCF to have the test results sent. The math CLEP is a computer exam and she will get her score right away but the English comp with essay can take up to a month to be graded. If the results are not back before summer B, have her take OTHER classes (not English) until she knows if she passed. She can take the tests at UCF when she gets there however that will delay her knowing which English or math to take in Fall. If she gets her results into UCF before summer B (take the test near you in February, March or April), then she can take ENC 1102 during summer B. There is no rush, my D is currently in ENC 1102 (spring semester).</p>
<p>Seiclan, thanks again for all your help. By the way, with all these credits that these kids start with, does it seem that they graduate sooner than four years, take less credits each semester, end up with extra credits or just have a cushion in case they end up dropping courses over the course of 4 years?</p>
<p>They rarely graduate sooner. My daughter took 12 instead of 15 credits for Fall and is taking 14 credits for Spring. She will take at least one class this summer so that next year she CAN take only 4 instead of 5 classes at a time because some of her classes are intense (the science and engineering classes at UCF are very tough for the “average” student). You only need 12 credits a semester to be considered full time.</p>
<p>Also want to add that there is so much going on in Fall, with football games and sorority/fraternity recruitment, it can be difficult to juggle ones social and academics. One less class makes things easier.</p>
<p>Wow, what valuable information! Thanks seiclan. </p>
<p>My daughter is first time in college and I didn’t go so this is all new to us. What is CLEP? Should I sign my D up too?</p>
<p>[About</a> the College Level Examination Program (CLEP)](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>Earn College Credit with CLEP – CLEP | College Board)</p>
<p>JerseyshoreMom - Yes CLEP can help anyone get college credit for stuff they already know! Your daughter can take as many CLEP exams as she wants (that UCF gives credit for (see post #4). My daughter took only the English Comp with essay and passed. She thus came into UCF with credit (3) for ENC 1101 and so her first English class at UCF is ENC 1102. I do recommend, if your daughter is willing, to have her also try the college algebra CLEP (as I stated above). My daughter came to UCF after having taken Honors Calculus in high school (and was able to skip to college trig which is required by HER major) but my friend’s kids who had to take college algebra at UCF were NOT happy.</p>
<p>Do you need to have AP courses in high school in order to take the CLEP exam?</p>
<p>My daughter is going for a BS in Event Management, which has a different course schedule than Hospitality Management posted above:</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/degree_programs/event_management.pdf[/url]”>http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/degree_programs/event_management.pdf</a></p>
<p>Just thought I’d post the course schedule for Event Management if anyone needs it.</p>
<p>JSM, there are no prerequisites for taking the CLEP tests. Just pay the fee of $70-$90 per test or so depending on the fees assessed by the testing facility.</p>
<p>I’m looking at this form again and wondering, what classes will D be offered for Summer? I want to try to figure this out before she goes to Orientation, which happens to be the last one, days before school starts, this way if she walks in there with a list it may be easier. We were able to sort throu the CGS2100C and ENC1101 and print out what is available in Summer on the main campus, under myUCF Student Center. So, are we looking at the classes under “Degree Requirements” or under “Freshman year” to pick for Summer B?</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/degree_programs/event_management.pdf[/url]”>http://www.catalog.sdes.ucf.edu/degree_programs/event_management.pdf</a></p>