<p>I have really bad fluctuations in my CR section. Like today I got a 720 (boo yeah!) and like last week I got a 610 (whatthepoop)</p>
<p>Does that mean I improved? Or does that mean this test was a easy test (but I heard the curve was really harsh on the one I took today and yet I still scored high!)</p>
<p>That’s what usually happens to me. My sat prep teacher says that’s a sign of improvement. Try to take more tests to see whether you keep getting the same score. By the way, how did you get your CR to the 700s??? I keep staying at 600s and sometimes 650s.</p>
<p>I wish I can help you
but I don’t even know how I improved!! I seriously haven’t studied a bit of CR and I just took this test!</p>
<p>so I guess take a rest? lol ;p</p>
<p>It depend usually on the content of the test. Sometimes, when there’re more literature passages(which I suck at), I get VERY low scores.</p>
<p>well I took another one today and I got a 69 (690 SAT)</p>
<p>So I guess I’m pretty solid…</p>
<p>Until you know ALL THE VOCAB (6000-8000 words, no joke), your CR score is not predictable. In fact, it’s only predictable in two situations: you know no vocab (predictably craptacular) and you know all the vocab (predictably awesome).</p>
<p>Your fluctuation is typical of a student who knows a lot of the vocab but not close to all of it.</p>
<p>marvin100, from where do you recommend to learn the vocabulary?</p>
<p>Yeah where can I get this list???</p>