
<p>Two things:</p>

<p>Do you guys read the questions first in critical reading?</p>

<p>Do you guys read the entire passage?</p>

<p>No... maybe sometimes on the short passages. </p>

<p>Yes... I tried the skimming, and I always felt like I was missing something.</p>

<p>Its frustrating cuz I can't get my verbal up!!! Like math and writing are okay but the verbal?!? And I've tried practice tests and memorizing and everything!!! What is wrong with me??</p>

<p>Has you tried paraphrasing/summarizing the passage in your own words after you have read it?</p>

<p>I tend to doze off while reading the passages. Some of them are so boring.</p>

<p>Yeah like I understand the passage and everything. But idk...the questions....I just can't seem to get them right!</p>

<p>this isnt gonna be what you wanna hear... but for the CR you just have to practice... once you get used to seeing the types of questions CB puts out... it'll become a bit easier for you.</p>