Creative Media (Production Concentration)?

Hey all,
I am a prospective student at UA and have been accepted with the Presidential scholarship and into the Honors College. My planned major is Creative Media. I understand that they merged the journalism and film schools into a subsection under the college of communications, which brought out the News Media and Creative Media majors. With my Creative Media major, I would like to apply the concentration in production, however it says there is a seperate application for this. I have not been able to find said application or find anybody majoring in Creative Media yet for that matter. If anybody has any input it would be much appreciated.

According to their website, current students wouldn’t be able to apply for the concentration until after Spring 2018, so my guess is that for next year it will be the same, Spring 2019. Either way, you would be taking your basic major courses your freshman year anyways, so applying for a concentration as soon as possible might not be necessary.

Here is their website:

And I know some specializations/concentrations are only for those who have gone through at least one year in the program, so that might be the same for JCM and why there is no application that you can see.