Credit hours

When I look at the tuition costs as listed on UA website, it lists the cost for a full time student for 12 to 16 credit hours. It lists an additional fee for each hour after 16. With the presidential scholarship ( full tuition), does that only cover up to 16 hours/semester? Is there a fee the student is responsible for if he takes more than 16?

The Presidential Scholarship amount increases to cover however many credit hours the student decides to take. I’m not sure my son has ever fallen at or below 18 credit hours - in fact, I’m pretty sure he hasn’t! It was pretty scary the first time I looked at his account and saw the extra charges for the additional credit hours . . . but then I saw the additional credit that had been posted, as well, and it all evened out. So, no worries!

Thanks! It’s really an offer too good to pass up