Crimson Edge Program?

Has anyone been accepeted to the university of Alabama via the Crimson Edge Program( or personally know anyone who has ) ? If so , what was your GPA–if you don’t mind sharing that very personal information with me. I’m asking this question because I asked about the program but all I got was ,“Your GPA has to below a 3.0 to be considered for Crimson Edge”. No specifics . For anyone reading this , I do realize that the Crimson Edge program does not fall under the same category as standard admission .I’m completely aware that this is a program for students that are seen as a “risk” and there are set limits on the amount of course work particpating students can take. And I know that you can’t really apply for the program and that the university will use its own discretion to decide who’s a good fit for the program . But again , I just really wanted someone to answer this question for me , beacuse I can’t seem to find the answer(I’ve looked all through their bulletins on admission programs ,policies and requirements .Can’t find anything… ). I apologize if I came of as ignorant or unaware of some important things to consider , that’s why I came to this forum .

Thank you for your time !

*Previously posted…Reposted because of typos *

I know a couple of students who were involved with Crimson Edge. They both had borderline stats.

What are your stats and what is your interest in the program?

To be completely honest not great , but here they are :
GPA 2.40( Didn’t really take high school very seriously as you can probably tell , and I’m paying for it now)
SAT score : 1155
ACT score : 21 .

And I don’t if this helps any, but I would probably be considered a special case because of my age . I’m 20 going on 21 and I graduated high school in 2013… I’m pretty sure that I won’t get in but a part of me is saying , " Why not ???" . I mean the worse they can do is reject me( for the time being) , which will suck obviously , but I can always apply as transfer once I get my 24 or 30 credit hours . I’m putting all of this pressure on myself to find a way in because of my cousins , lol . They both play football for the university–or one of the does now–the other one plays in the NFL . So , getting accepted somehow , some way would be a big deal for me even though I know I don’t deserve to with my current stats . Anyways , back on topic , I’ve already applied to Wright State University in Dayton , Ohio . Their minimum GPA requirement is like a 2.0 I believe , so I should be good .Only time will tell , though…and most of my extended family lives in Ohio , so that’s why I applied there . I’m also thinking about applying to AUM , as well…

  • Random factoid: I nearly got into Auburn, conditionally , but my GPA was like 0.01 lower than it need to be . If I had a 2.5 they would have let me in , so I just missed the cut off , unfortunately .

And sorry , I totally forgot to add this to my initial post . What are my interests ??? History and political science , and so I could see both as my potential major .

Your best chances of getting in is to apply NOW. Bama is more lenient earlier in the app cycle. I suggest that you also contact your area rep and tell your story about your cousins. Are Barrett Jones and Harrison Jones your cousins?

No , but Chance Warmack and Dallas Warmack are both of my cousins though :

@Iamthatguy, my concern is that you may be biting off more than you can chew academically. Have you considered going to Shelton State or one of the other community colleges to get a firm grounding before you commit a lot of money to UA?

Re Crimson Edge specifically, this is from the 2015-16 Course Catalog:

Here are some old threads that discuss the Crimson Edge program:

Roll Tide!

Have you submitted your app to Bama?

Are you OOS? If so, has your family said that they’ll pay the OOS costs at Bama?

Not just yet , and yes I’m from Georgia . And no , since I’m almost 21 , my parents expect me to fund my own education . I will definitely still apply though . But from your knowledge and experiences , is my GPAs too low ( is it way below what is considered average for me to get accepted ? ) ? You mentioned that you knew people who had borderline stats . If you don’t mind me asking…what did their stats look like ? Because I feel like my test scores are still pretty low .

They had stats like yours. One had a lower ACT.

Filling out the app now , applying for Summer 2016.