<p>It is a very rough rough rough rough rough rough draft but I want you guys to be as harsh as possible. I plan on applying to very selective universities and I don't really have people around to help me edit and whatnot. </p>
<p>Are you planning on linking to the essay?</p>
<p>Not to you.</p>
<p>PM me! I can give it a read.</p>
<p>Will do.</p>
<p>Still looking for help.</p>
<p>I’m not a teacher, but I can take a look.</p>
<p>Feel free to send it to me if you’d like.</p>
<p>You’ll have to forgive me, but you have 5 posts and a majority of them have been on this sub forum. So no.</p>
<p>No one is replying to this thread or my pms
<p>I’m also a high school student, but I’d be willing to help out.</p>
<p>If you are still looking I can help you out</p>