<p>I think this type of question has been asked before (but I couldn't find it); but anyone had any success in transferring from CCC to another CSU (or even UC) with a history of a bad gpa from a different CSU?</p>
<li>I went to CSU Pomona for 2 years and ended up with a 1.82 gpa</li>
<li>Absent from any form of school for 2~3 years and just started CCC</li>
<li>Talked with counselor at CCC, he advised that I should try to repeat the classes I failed in if possible to boost up gpa</li>
<li>Found out that I can repeat classes (should have met with counselors at CSU...well no use in regretting)</li>
<li>I have 3 F's (4 D's but I can't really make that up) and all of them are transferable 4 unit courses</li>
<li>CSU pomona allows up to 16 units to be eligible of repeats (brief moment of happiness)</li>
<li>Called Registrars office and it seems that there will be no way possible for me to repeat those classes at a different school (only at csu pomona)</li>
<li>Don't have the financial means to move away from home and attend Pomona</li>
<p>I have excuses for why I did so poorly at csu pomona, but I don't think that is relevant (admissions offices don't care for excuses) so I won't bother listing them. I really want to finish my academic career, and acquire a Bachelor's in something. Has anyone been in a similar situation and were able to transfer? Is it impossible for me at this point in considering of transferring to another CSU?</p>
<p>The only solutions I could think of is either...
A. Go to CCC to boost gpa to at least 2.00 and plan in the near future to attend CSU Pomona for one more quarter to repeat those three F's (which will take considerable amount of financial planning). Come back to CCC if I still have 30 or more units to complete to transfer (hopefully).
B. Go to CCC try to boost my gpa as much as possible; choose a major which will not look at transferable units which I have failed in (I'm not sure if I'm correct on this). </p>
<p>I know its unfair for others for me to try to take up space again at a CSU when I already had a shot... but I still have to try.</p>