Hello everyone,
I just got accepted to the university yesterday. I didn’t receive an official email, just something about financial aid (that led me to checking my status). It says I have been accepted to the university, and states my major (Narrative Production), but I’m not sure that that means I’m officially in the major.
Has anyone else received an acceptance? And if so, does it say narrative production in your major too, or does it say theory?
- I know we’re supposed to hear from the college in early April
- I am going to email the FEA for clarification about email notifications
- I’d just like to hear from other applicants
I’m pretty sure you’ve been accepted into Narrative production. Congrats! I heard a lot of people didn’t get emails for acceptance and just found out through self service.
I’ve been checking self service and still waiting to see if I’ve been accepted into LB at all. However, I did get an email in February reminding me about my portfolio and saying that if I didn’t receive positive review, I would automatically get accepted into the the theory option. Just a waiting game now.
Btw out of curiosity, when did you send your application? I’m wondering if they are sending out decisions on a first come first serve basis. And are you willing to share your application video haha I’m getting anxious now
@crashdash I got that email as well, about the portfolio reminder. If they didn’t mean that we would get into theory automatically, I think they used very poor wording because that’s what it made me think as well.
I submitted the general application on Nov 15th.
I submitted the supplemental application one minute before the deadline. Not kidding. It was incredibly stressful, but it’s my own fault because I procrastinated on one of the writings and it wouldn’t export into pdf.
Here’s my video, but be warned that it is definitely not my best work and that I worked with nonactors https://vimeo.com/255333442
Let me know if you have more questions! I’m super stressed about all my colleges so I’m happy to help someone else in the same boat.
Your video is clean! I can see why you got accepted. I sent mine pretty last minute too. I wonder how they decide the order in which they review them then. Maybe alphabetical? Idk anymore haha I’m so impatient, though.
I called the admissions office and they basically said I’m in if the Film department accepts me. Still confusing since the film department says even if they accept me the admissions office has to accept me
Oh well. Where else are you applying to?
Thanks haha. I was just accepted to the program via email at 2:47! I’m very excited.
I also applied to CSUN, UCLA, Chapman, and LMU; I haven’t heard back from the rest but I have an interview with Chapman on Wednesday. It is pretty confusing, but I hope you get in. Did you apply elsewhere?
I applied to CSUN and CSUF. Got into Fullerton awhile ago but haven’t heard a single word from CSUN yet…have you?