I want to transfer from CSUN to UCLA.
I have two questions:

  1. I looked at assist.org and I can’t seem to connect CSUN to UCLA. I don’t know where to look for what classes that articulate with each other. I know the classes I need to take on UCLA but I dont know if the classes I’m taking at CSUN articulate with the UCLA classes.
  1. Is there a guide or something kind of resource online that can help people with transferring?

Here is a previous thread about transferring from CSUN to UCLA.


This poster is stating what I was going to advise you…

“You can leave CSUN, go to CC, and then transfer to a UC. If you haven’t already finished your GEs/pre-reqs/IGETC,etc, then this is a possibility.”

Why not just leave CSUN and go to a CC then transfer? You’ll save a quite a bit of money.

there is no direct mapping on assist.org between CSU and UC schools because the site is intended for CC transfers. What people have done in the past is a 3-way correlation. Pick a local CC and find out what classes map on assist.org to those you need for UCLA. Then see what those classes correlate to at CSUN. You might need to use more than one CC to match up all the classes.

as for overall guidance, take a look at the UC and UCLA transfer pages. http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/transfer/index.html is a good starting point

Its worth thinking about what @Tik1127 wrote. If you have completed only one year at CSUN then spending next year at a CC would give you a preference in admission, even more if you attend a TAP school http://www.admission.ucla.edu/Prospect/Adm_tr/ADM_CCO/tap.htm (assuming you can participate in the program if you only attend for 1 year). Downsides are leaving a familiar environment plus potentially more difficulty in getting the classes you need at the CC

It is very hard to transfer from a CSU to a UC. They have the lowest priority for transfers. Order goes CC, UC, other 4 year. Ucla is able to fill a transfer quota from only cc students. You are better off going to a cc and transferring.