CU Boulder Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

OOS accepted to engineering with Presidential scholarship $55k


Thanks and congrats, again. Our daughter was accepted into Aerospace Engineering with a Chancellor’s scholarship. She likes CU and is flattered, but she has great options at schools such as Purdue, as well. So, we will let her process it and see where she lands. Good Luck to both your Daughter and Son.


OOS daughter got accepted for Advertising/Public Relations. No merit.
-4 AP’s/12 Honors
-tennis, clubs, part-time job
-Test Optional

Disappointed with no scholarship. DD got $80,000 at Chapman University and $60,000 at Marymount Manhattan College (her sisters alma mater).

For those who got Exploratory Studies, my son who’s now a junior originally applied for aerospace engineering and got ES instead. He was so upset. But he went with it and I think toward the end of freshman year he applied for CS and was accepted, so it all works out.


My OOS daugther did too. But no money. Congrats to yours.

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We are out of state with high stats and no merit. Do they look at parent financial picture? I thought that was not part of it. She got a big merit scholarship from U of Denver, better program and school. Don’t think we will even take the drive out there after UD visit if no merit.

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odd about merit

Congratulations! DD was also accepted to Boulder’s Aerospace Engineering Program as well as other AE Programs at various colleges.


I surely hope not

DC22 in-state accepted CoE, ChemE, with $7k/yr Sewall award.


Accepted into ES with 25k chancellors scholarship


Never mind. She also got the 25000 scholarship and Honors Program.


@Nefussy , same here!

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But VA Tech Early Action decisions aren’t out yet?


OOS, applied to CS, got into exploratory studies. Seems pretty common but was a bit of a shocker at first. Without merit Boulder is a no-go for us.


DS got in engineering with Chancellor’s Scholarship ($25k). OOS student. We love Boulder, but he also got into Purdue engineering (also OOS)with a lot more merit money. That’s going to be really hard to pass up.


DD got into Leeds.
Test optional
3.8 UW
Lots of APs and nationally ranked extracurriculars
No aid mentioned

Is it still possible she could get aid?


Out of staters pay a huge tuition premium which is lessened a bit by the scholarships. CU is trying to attract high stat oos students who are being wooed by many colleges. So, they are forced to sweeten the pot.


@SwimMI Good Scholarship info & deadlines - thanks. Curious if you know, or anyone else in this forum, do the Scholarship Committees have access to our common app admissions essays? There are two required scholarship essays in the General Application and I’d like to use the same topic or theme I used for admission. Or should I select a completely different topic so I am not being repetitive? Are Admission decision-makers and Scholarships committees completely separate or is there any overlap?


Pre biz is not bad at all. Leeds is super competitive for incoming freshmen and most pre biz get in as sophs. Congrats to your son!

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This is a much more complex issue than that. The fact is CO schools don’t have to woo anyone - students are begging to come here for college and the better CO schools charge a premium for the opportunity. It is a money grab, based on what the market will bear. Also, $25k scholarship over 4 years doesn’t put a dent in OOS tuition.

There is much more to this, but I have a feeling it won’t be well-received so I will stop. CU chooses not to reward homegrown talent - so be it. My kid won’t be attending CU - zero chance we would pay even IS rates without merit - but he has many better options.

Best wishes.

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