CU Boulder Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Last year my DD applied to CU Leeds School of Business was accepted to CU’s “Pre-Business program. CU “Pre-Business program requires “pre -business class” and you must earn a specific GPA in the “pre -business class” to be accepted in Leeds School of Business the following year. My DD did not enroll in CU’s “Pre-Business program and enrolled at Bentley University, great school, great decision and loving it.

Same here!

Same, son got into both Purdue FYE and Boulder aerospace. Waiting for Michigan results.
He will have to make some tough choices.

OOS DS accepted to astrophysics with the $25k merit and invitation to honors. Definitely high on the list but awaiting others.

I meant to say DD daughter

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Good info. We were thinking as an OOS probably would not go to CU because of cost, and not being able to be on campus first year means we are out unfortunately.

In-state, accepted to engineering, $4000 a year esteemed scholar, 3.9 UW, 4.7 W, 1570. No mention of honors? Still, first acceptance, so very happy.


Did anyone hear about engineering honors?

Son, 1560 sat, 3.9 uw gpa, OOS.
Applied to cs, admitted to ES !
Really dissppointed.

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5.85 GPA/4.0 UW
10 APs (all 5s so far)
35 ACT
strong ECs w/leadership and awards

Accepted into Biochem with presidential scholarship ($55K) but no mention of honors. Honestly $55K is not enough anyway but worried she missed something on application

She’s accepted to CS with the Chancellor’s scholarship! After a denial at CWRU, mid-year grade requests from Pitt and RHIT, and a denial to CS or Data Science/“invitation to apply to another major” at Purdue, this acceptance is a big boost for D22. Now comes the hard part — weighing the price, program & location over IU, ISU and MSU. I’ve been hoping she gets a chance to go somewhere away from our region so this would check that box. But that may not be important enough to be over her budget.

1410 SAT / 31 ACT
3.5uw /4.5w


That’s ridiculous. Can’t help but this feels more like yield management than anything else.


Congratulations to all!!

Shocking. I don’t understand at all. If it was yield management, then wouldn’t it be a flat-out rejection? Because an acceptance to ES is still counted as an acceptance, and with accepting this high-stats student to a major that was not his choice, that actually hurts yield, because chances for such a high stats kid like this to actually enroll would be slim. Plus, doesn’t seem that CU really plays the “yield” game (good for CU) with such a high acceptance rate overall. My son got rejected from his safety, so I do sympathize with your disappointment. He has a handful of great acceptances with surprisingly good merit though, from much better schools than his safety anyway, but perplexing nonetheless. Some school will be very lucky to have your son, and his high stats. Good luck to your son whatever he decides to do. He clearly has a bright future.


No mention of engineering honors for DC22. If I’m remembering correctly, it’s a separate application.

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Daughter - OOS - accepted to Arts and Sciences for Speech, Language, and Hearing Science. No mention of $ money…stings a little but it’s still one of her 2-3 top contenders.

You should get into many schools with those stats, although in-state Boulder is pretty sweet!

That is so interesting. My son had same SAT and slightly worse grades, got ES for boulder (applied to comp sci) but was accepted at several of the other schools you mentioned. You just never know. It’s a crazy process! Congrats on the acceptance and merit!

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That is crazy. With those stats I would have thought CS would snatch him up! He will get in many schools with those stats!

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It really does feel random at so many schools! I definitely appreciate schools like Iowa State where they have the regents index and you know exactly what to expect.

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