Cure for Procrastination

The solution is elementary - chuck your computer out the window right NOW. =)


<p>Like, I said it already! The computer isn't what makes me procrastinate. I can procrastinate in a padded room! Yeah, maybe the computer helps with the procrastination, but I would still certainly not do my work.</p>

people study for psats!!!!!? i thought it doesn't count. You get money?! (i know you get letters from colleges but MONEY?


LOL! You seriously didn't know this? If you get to be a National Merit Finalist, you can get some monies. If I'm an NMF, University of Tulsa will
1) accept me automatically for being NMF AND doing the IB
2) give me a full ride
I mean, what more could I ask for? :P</p>

The Miracle Cure for Procrastination</p>

<p>nyuk nyuk nyuk.


Hehe, that's so corny!! XD</p>

<p>Well, the cut up thing is good. I did a little work today then did some goofing off and whenever I felt like it, I did a little more work.</p>

<p>Don't think about it, just do it.
The more you think, the more you procrastinate.</p>

<p>Just stop thinking !!!</p>