Current Junior at Purdue- Any Questions about Purdue?

<p>Lapagan: Definitely the Learning communities and EPICS program. Check those out asap.
Nikkkki: Yup, apply for them. It’s not guaranteed, but you’re not bad off?
Descuff: [Purdue</a> University :: College Board Advanced Placement Credit](<a href=“]Purdue”>College Board Advanced Placement Credit - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University)
If you get a 5 in AP Chem, you get credit for Chem 115 and 116.</p>

<p>Descuff - to check into transferring your dual credit use this: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; it’s super easy to use! Just enter all the info and see what you get.</p>

<p>Seirsly: D got a 5 on AP Chem, however, she took the class her sophmore year of HS. Would you recommend retaking say Chem 116, or reviewing over the summer and moving on to her next required Chem course? The same with Calc., she received a 5 on Calc B/C but took it her Junior year. I am looking for opinions before she discusses it with her advisor.</p>

<p>I found this link for scheduling classes. The visual schedule on the weekly calendar is really helpful to me. I just wonder if it’s up-to-date with the correct schedule?</p>

<p>[Purdue</a> Class Catalog -](<a href=“Loading...”>Loading...)</p>

<p>When I tried to use it, I couldn’t pull up multivariate calculus… and you cannot tell me that that does not exist at Purdue main campus.</p>

<p>It’s there.
It’s misspelled to be Multivariate calculus. Just search for calculus.</p>

<p>Lvvcsf: Is she going into something chem heavy, like chemical engineering or Chemistry? Maybe, yes. But honestly, Chem 115 and 116 were a joke. I took one chem class sophomore year of hs and they were still really easy. Same with Calc. If she’s going to be a math major or engineer, she might want to maybe do Calc 2? Then again, Calc 1 and Calc 2 are notorious for being hard classes (calc 3 I thought was not much better though). </p>

<p>Fire and Pitt: If you have a mypurdue account, go to Academics, and there should be a Scheduling assistant tool thing on the left side. Click it. It’s even better than Emilstanov and it’s up to date with Purdue’s servers. :slight_smile: Even tells you if it’s full I think.</p>

<p>Seirsly, thank you for that tip! That helped figure things out so much! Although, on the down side, I probably won’t be able to take intermediate microeconomics as I originally intended, both due to the fact that the scheduling assistant states that its unavailable AND for the the fact that I’ll have to take 3 seminars, and I don’t feel like doing 19 credit hours.</p>

<p>Pitt: No problem. It’s a brand new tool for students.</p>

<p>ECON 251? It’s super easy if you get Blanchard (sp?) and go to every class. I’m looking at >95% final grade. Possibly >100%.</p>

<p>Actually, I’m hoping to take ECON 340. I have direct admittance into Krannert, and assuming I pass the AP exams (Which I feel I’m very well prepared for), then I want to get straight into higher econ. I even have the math for it, according to my teacher.
And in the system it looks like it’s not even available. I tried simply putting that class in and it didn’t come up with anything. Same with com 114H (Even though it worked yesterday…). It’s rather weird… but still, handy tool!</p>

<p>Pitt - if you’re using the scheduling tool, it may have filled up already, and that would account for why it isn’t showing up.</p>

<p>Yeah, that may just be it… I hadn’t thought of it. Thanks for the help guys!</p>

<p>We are going to be visiting colleges in Indiana this summer. Purdue is very popular in our Connecticut high school, particularly for it’s Engineering program, so I tend to think of in regards to that major. Can anyone tell me about their non-science majors like Communications or Education? My D has heard a lot of great things about Purdue so want’s to see it. Any feedback appreciated! Thank you.</p>

<p>Personal question but what do you wear to the showers o.o?</p>

<p>Descuff: Girls: Robe + Flipflops and grab a towel.
Guys: basketball shorts/towel + flipflops.
That’s what I’ve seen.</p>

<p>Is it hard to codo in first year engineering?</p>

<p>If you going into fye you just have to take all classes you would as if you was in engineering minus than actual engineering class and get good grades.</p>

<p>*You’re allowed to take ENGR 131 as a non-engineer.
And you have to schedule adviser meetings/ get forms signed/ go to a seminar thing. From what I’ve heard.</p>

<p>Wait what o.o
Explain please.</p>

<p>How do I set up my purdue email?</p>