<p>To anyone that had experience with Cornell housing,</p>
<p>Hey, I'm a transfer and I recently got accepted. I was working on my app and was overwhelmed by so many choices. Does anyone have particular recommendations on where's good and where should be avoided? Also, should I live in "residence halls" or "west campus system"?</p>
<p>My personal preferences are:
Singles (I am by no means anti-social. I'm happy to interact with floor/dorm mates but really want a single)
Private bathrooms. I heard there's no singles with private baths (can canyone confirm this?) but there are a lot of doubles with private baths.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for the feedback and advice!</p>
<p>i’m a transfer too & i heard that schyuler (spelling?) is REALLY bad in the residence halls. except we can’t choose the specific dorm building we want. i would hate to be put in schyuler.</p>
<p>Go for west campus. You will be placed in a block/floor of rooms that is mostly transfers. You do NOT want Schyuler, which you will likely get if you indicate “residence halls”. It’s out in the boonies and is a long hike from anything important, academic or social.</p>
<p>There is no private bathrooms in dorms! :)</p>
<p>haha i wish i read this sooner. i applied to residence halls as first priority 
and so i’ve heard about the bathrooms. it was a minor preference anyway, ha :)</p>
<p>you can always get a portapotty in your room.</p>