Current Students, What's you Meal Plan?

<p>Current Students, What's you Meal Plan?
Do you have chances to eat outside the campus? Are there restaurants near by the campus?</p>

<p>There are a LOT of restaurants in Westwood and I would definitely not plan to eat on campus 3 meals, 7 days a week.</p>

<p>I’ve got 19P and not enough friends to spread my swipes around with. I rarely eat in Westwood just because the food in the dorms is good enough and free (with purchase of meal plan). Plenty of options in westwood are available, just need to walk down there.</p>

<p>I have 19P. I eat in Westwood a couple times a week, plus I eat on campus a lot. If you have leftover swipes you can get cases of drinks at the end of the quarter.</p>

<p>If you want premier, I would suggest going with 19 since it’s about $1.20 per swipe over 14P. The meal coupons for on campus get you $2.45 or $3.70, so you can get a lot of the money back. You can also get a pair of drinks for a swipe, so that’s like 60 cents for each 20 oz bottle of soda if you have leftovers.</p>


<p>Do you mean you can take two drinks out for a swipe?</p>

<p>My son has the 14P which seems to be enough for him. I think he usually eats cereal in his room before early classes.</p>



<p>Yes, a pair of drinks = two drinks. Maybe there’s a distinction you’re making that I’m missing?</p>

<p>you can TAKE OUT two drinks every time you dine in?</p>

<p>no, you can get two bottles from Bcafe or cafe 1919 for a swipe</p>

<p>are you saying if you get 2 drinks then you cannot eat there?</p>

<p>it’s an additional swipe for a meal</p>

<p>Jesus Christ, learn to google some things…</p>

<h1>= estimated (or actual) number of swipes per week</h1>

<p>Premier = can use swipes anytime and in any fashion, multiple times per meal period if desired. swipes carry over from week to week. Basically, you start with a set amount at the beginning of the quarter (~150) and you go from there - use them as quickly or slowly as you wish.
Non-premier = can use only one swipe per meal period, and swipes are only valid on a week by week basis - thus, 14 = 14 swipes per week, 19 = 19 swipes per week, (no carryover)</p>

<p>Well then, what the hell can I get for a swipe?

  1. 2 bottled beverages (20oz bottles of soda/water/gatorade)
  2. entrace to a dining hall
  3. a meal from bcaf, rendezvous, or 1919
  4. 2 pasteries
  5. a coffee and a pastry</p>

<p>it should be noted that you can swipe multiple times at late night with non-premier.</p>

<p>You will get
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 for a swipe, not (1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5), nor any other combinations. :)</p>



<p>That would partly explain why it’s so damn busy on Sunday nights (as compared to Bruincafe at the same time)</p>

<p>So, a week is counted from Monday to Sunday, not Sunday to Saturday?</p>

<p>^^^ Yes, but why the hell does that matter? Who cares if a week starts on Monday or Sunday? Shocking here, but believe it or not, there is still the same amount of time (and subsequently meal opportunities) if a week is Monday - Sunday or Sunday to Saturday.</p>

<p>It’s like financial accounting - does it really matter when a firm’s fiscal year end is? A year is a year, whether it be from Jan 1 - Dec 31 or June 17 - June 16.</p>

<p>it doesn’t fit well with the religious.</p>

<p>14p biggest regret of college career get 19p!</p>

<p>having 19p in the dorms was the greatest thing ever. even though i was not there on the weekends, i found ways to use it all. I have a weird appetite and im not good with following schedules so this was cool for me. I would swipe 2 drinks every day on my way to campus, get coffees + pastries + other snacks whenever I wanted (sometimes serveral times a night), eat whenever i pleased, and swiped freinds that often visited.</p>