<p>Thanks for the comments about my two kid’s near misses. Still got two more kids in HS. Maybe we’ll join your “club” in two years with the next one. Maybe we will just have to move out of Massachusetts :)</p>
<p>Staple, we’d love to have you in Madison! My son would prefer to be in Massachusetts, ironically enough. He’d like to be at one of your Boston schools-- BC, Northeastern… He also would like to be closer to Tom Brady–I know the Brady family (and Tommy, as his dad Tom still calls him!), but he’s never met them and figures I could make that happen. I doubt very much I could. Tommy is no longer in charge of his own life! Great family, great athlete.</p>
<p>Oops, disregard my previous post. My school told me that they received my packet. :)</p>
<p>Here is the number to call—ask for Educational Services:</p>
<p>National Merit Scholarship Corporation
1560 Sherman Avenue
Suite 200
Evanston, Illinois 60201-4897
Main Telephone: (847) 866-5100
Main Fax: (847) 866-5113 </p>
<p>Per call, updating MN and ND.</p>
<p>**AL=210<a href=“post%20222,%20per%20GC%20210%20is%20cutoff”>/B</a>
AK<=214 (post 62)
AZ<=229 (post 357)
**CA=219<a href=“post%20560,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
CO<=213 (post 520)
**CT=219<a href=“post%20539,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**DC=223<a href=“post%20517,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**FL=210<a href=“post%20376,%20by%20firsthand%20view%20of%20NMS%20report”>/B</a>
**GA=215<a href=“post%20130,%20per%20Headmaster%20cutoff%20is%20215”>/B</a>
**HI=215<a href=“post%20320,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20215”>/B</a>
**ID=208<a href=“post%20554,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**IL=214<a href=“post%20472,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20214”>/B</a>
IN<=212 (post 336)
IA<=209 (post 50)
**KS=211<a href=“post%20229,%20per%20NMSF%20packet%20cutoff%20is%20211”>/B</a>
KY<=210 (post 92)
**LA=210<a href=“post%20533,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
ME<=218 (post 505)
**MD=220<a href=“%5Burl%5Dhttp://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1065560528-post14.html%5B/url%5D”>/B</a>
**MA=223<a href=“post%20515”>/B</a>
**MI=209<a href=“post%20526,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**MN=213<a href=“post%20564,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
MS<=205 (post 176)
**MO=210<a href=“post%20553,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**MT=208<a href=“post%2073,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20208”>/B</a>
**NE=210<a href=“post%20548,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20210”>/B</a>
NV<=211 (post 340)
**NJ=221<a href=“post%20269,%20heard%20cutoff%20was%20221”>/B</a>
NM<=211 (post 481)
**NY=217<a href=“post%20531,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
NC<=214 (post 314)
**ND=202<a href=“post%20564,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**OH=212<a href=“post%2054,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20212”>/B</a>
OK<=208 (post 409)
**OR=215<a href=“post%20524,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**PA=216<a href=“post%20523,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**RI=211<a href=“post%20399,%20inferred%20from%20personal%20score%20compared%20with%20friend’s”>/B</a>
SC<=212 (post 504)
TN<=212 (post 220)
**TX=215<a href=“post%20528,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**UT=203<a href=“post%20502,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20203”>/B</a>
VT<=217 (post 297)
**VA=218<a href=“post%20546,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20218”>/B</a>
**WA=218<a href=“post%20343,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20218”>/B</a>
**WI=209<a href=“post%20527,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a></p>
<p>**Boarding school region with New England=223<a href=“post%20538,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**Boarding school region with TN=215<a href=“post%20530,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a></p>
<p>**Internationals=223<a href=“post%20398”>/B</a>
This usually is set to be equal to the highest cut-off score among the individual states.</p>
<p>Commended (national cutoff) = 201
Any person with a score equal to or higher than this cutoff who is not a NMSF receives commended status.</p>
<p>No scores reported yet from:
8 (?) boarding school regions
These usually are set to be equal to the highest cut-off score among the individual states in the region.</p>
<p>Updating Idaho - My son got a 209 and made the cut off</p>
<p>AL=210 (post 222, per GC 210 is cutoff)
AK<=214 (post 62)
AZ<=229 (post 357)
CA=219 (post 323, per GC 218 is cutoff, but by 380, 218 did not qualify)
CO<=218 (post 372)
CT<=229 (post 267)
FL=210 (post 376, by firsthand view of NMS report)
GA=215 (post 130, per Headmaster cutoff is 215)
HI=215 (post 320, per GC cutoff is 215)
IA<=209 (post 50)
IL<=214 (post 333)
IN<=212 (post 336)
KS=211 (post 229, per NMSF packet cutoff is 211)
KY<=210 (post 92)
LA=210 (post 268, per GC cutoff is 210)
MD=220 (<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/...28-post14.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/...28-post14.html</a>)
MA<=224 (post 204)
MI<=212 (post 202)
MN<=216 (post 135)
MO<=210 (post 99)
MS<=205 (post 176)
MT=208 (post 73, per GC cutoff is 208)
NC<=214 (post 314)
NJ=221 (post 269, heard cutoff was 221)
NV<=211 (post 340)
NY<=219 (post 293)
OH=212 (post 54, per GC cutoff is 212)
OR<=215 (post 285)
OK<=209 (post 98)
PA<=217 (post 387)
SC<=222 (post 365)
TN<=212 (post 220)
TX=215 (post 138, per GC cutoff is 215)
UT<=205 (post 338)
VA<=218 (<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/...362-post6.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/...362-post6.html</a>)
VT<=217 (post 297)
WA=218 (post 343)
WI<=209 (post 384)</p>
<p>Internationals<=223 (post 370)
This is usually set to be equal to the highest cut-off score among the individual states.</p>
<p>Commended (national cutoff) = 201
Any person with a score equal to or higher than this cutoff who is not an NMSF receives commended status.</p>
<p>No scores reported yet from:
<p>Good news! My packet has been found. I’m glad everything ended up working out haha. That was stressful.</p>
<p>^ Yay! <em>high-fives Spazzy</em></p>
passionfire: Congratulations to your son, but the ID cutoff (208) was already known and verified by NMSC. I am restoring the previous list.</p>
<p>BTW, the list is alphabetized by full state name.</p>
<p>Here is the number to call—ask for Educational Services:</p>
<p>National Merit Scholarship Corporation
1560 Sherman Avenue
Suite 200
Evanston, Illinois 60201-4897
Main Telephone: (847) 866-5100
Main Fax: (847) 866-5113 </p>
<p>Updating MN and ND.</p>
<p>**AL=210<a href=“post%20222,%20per%20GC%20210%20is%20cutoff”>/B</a>
AK<=214 (post 62)
AZ<=229 (post 357)
**CA=219<a href=“post%20560,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
CO<=213 (post 520)
**CT=219<a href=“post%20539,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**DC=223<a href=“post%20517,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**FL=210<a href=“post%20376,%20by%20firsthand%20view%20of%20NMS%20report”>/B</a>
**GA=215<a href=“post%20130,%20per%20Headmaster%20cutoff%20is%20215”>/B</a>
**HI=215<a href=“post%20320,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20215”>/B</a>
**ID=208<a href=“post%20554,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**IL=214<a href=“post%20472,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20214”>/B</a>
IN<=212 (post 336)
IA<=209 (post 50)
**KS=211<a href=“post%20229,%20per%20NMSF%20packet%20cutoff%20is%20211”>/B</a>
KY<=210 (post 92)
**LA=210<a href=“post%20533,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
ME<=218 (post 505)
**MD=220<a href=“%5Burl%5Dhttp://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1065560528-post14.html%5B/url%5D”>/B</a>
**MA=223<a href=“post%20515”>/B</a>
**MI=209<a href=“post%20526,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**MN=213<a href=“post%20564,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
MS<=205 (post 176)
**MO=210<a href=“post%20553,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**MT=208<a href=“post%2073,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20208”>/B</a>
**NE=210<a href=“post%20548,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20210”>/B</a>
NV<=211 (post 340)
**NJ=221<a href=“post%20269,%20heard%20cutoff%20was%20221”>/B</a>
NM<=211 (post 481)
**NY=217<a href=“post%20531,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
NC<=214 (post 314)
**ND=202<a href=“post%20564,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**OH=212<a href=“post%2054,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20212”>/B</a>
OK<=208 (post 409)
**OR=215<a href=“post%20524,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**PA=216<a href=“post%20523,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**RI=211<a href=“post%20399,%20inferred%20from%20personal%20score%20compared%20with%20friend’s”>/B</a>
SC<=212 (post 504)
TN<=212 (post 220)
**TX=215<a href=“post%20528,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**UT=203<a href=“post%20502,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20203”>/B</a>
VT<=217 (post 297)
**VA=218<a href=“post%20546,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20218”>/B</a>
**WA=218<a href=“post%20343,%20per%20GC%20cutoff%20is%20218”>/B</a>
**WI=209<a href=“post%20527,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a></p>
<p>**Boarding school region with New England=223<a href=“post%20538,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a>
**Boarding school region with TN=215<a href=“post%20530,%20per%20NMSC”>/B</a></p>
<p>**Internationals=223<a href=“post%20398”>/B</a>
This usually is set to be equal to the highest cut-off score among the individual states.</p>
<p>Commended (national cutoff) = 201
Any person with a score equal to or higher than this cutoff who is not a NMSF receives commended status.</p>
<p>No scores reported yet from:
8 (?) boarding school regions
These usually are set to be equal to the highest cut-off score among the individual states in the region.</p>
<p>Just curious – everyone keeps referring to “the packet”, but my daughter received a single sheet of paper. What’s in “the packet”?</p>
<p>Onekid…the “packet” is the paper version of all the stuff that your daughter will complete online (I’m assuming the paper had her password/login info?) It’s the same thing – my daughter got several things – a letter her principal wrote, congratulating her on NMF status before they were ready to hand out the packets, “the packet” (hard copies of the forms) and, after guidance had done their part, the one sheet for the login to the site. I looked, and it’s the exact same information – just saved me from having to print some of the stuff they had as .pdf Hope that helps!</p>
<p>Yes, thanks. We’re all set. She printed everything out. I’m kind of disappointed, though. Absolutely no recognition whatsoever, other than the guidance counselor saying congratulations. No school announcement, no letter from the principal (or anyone else). Never mind something in a local paper. Just jealous, I guess, of all the articles in Google News.</p>
<p>Oh, and congratulations to to the kids that made it, and the proud parents!</p>
<p>Well D’s school hasn’t made any announcements, and haven’t given out any packets. Last week they said the info couldnt be released till the 15th. I called and left a message for the counselor on Wed and she hasn’t called back. My D is well above the cutoff. I called NM and verified her name anyway. Anyone else still waiting to hear from the school?</p>
<p>DD finally got her packet at school a couple of days ago, but school expects the students to return the completed packet by next Friday (and this is weekend is a religious holiday). In any event, DD has a hard copy packet, not a website to go to. Are they supposed to submit via the internet? (DD is keeping us at arms-length for the college and NM process…OMG this is so difficult to be kept out of the loop by my kid…she’d better get this done and the ED application!!!), Anyway, could someone let me know what we should look up online with the NM application? Thanks and have a good weekend (and a happy new year to those of you who celebrate).</p>
<p>retrolady - yes, there are more schools out there that have not done anything yet to notify the students of their semifinalist standings - ours is one of them. When I found this thread a couple of weeks ago and saw that many students across the country had already been notified, I had my daughter ask her counselor if there was any word yet about NMSF and she was told that they wouldn’t be releasing the info until the 15th. Halfway through the day on the 15th, and no notification to my daughter yet, I called the counseling office and learned that all of the counselors were gone to a meeting for the day and that semifinalists would be notified ‘in the next few days.’ I ended up calling NM and verifying that my daughter is a semifinalist. I’m not going to freak out about the paperwork yet, since the school has until October 13th to get everything in, but I am not very pleased with the way the school has handled things. The man I spoke with at the NM office said that there are many schools that have the misconception that they were not to notify their students until after the press release on the 15th. I guess that’s why so many of us are still waiting…</p>
<p>To FridaKahlo:</p>
<p>Your daughter is not going to be able to “keep you at arm’s length”. You are going to have to give permission for your daughter to continue in the process. Either you will have to sign a paper form, or your daughter will give your e-mail address on-line, and you will get a name and password (and the website), where you can get information.</p>
<p>Hopr that helps. Shana Tova!</p>
<p>The cut-off score for Arkansas was 203. The lowest I’ve seen so far.</p>
<p>Tied with Utah as academic powerhouses.</p>
<p>^ Hey, what about …</p>
<p>ND=202 (post 564, per NMSC)</p>
interesting, as D has already turned in everything today, the deadline on her part from school. Her GC is complaining that she has to write 9 recommendation letters as well as entering grades for those 9 NMSF. The school has 4 GC, but her GC got the most NMSF.</p>
<p>…ND=202 (post 564, per NMSC) </p>
<p>Low NMSF threshold like that does not really indicate anything about the academic quality of the students in the state. If only 5% of the juniors took PSAT it in that state then the top 20% of the test takes would make NMSF. That’s why score is so low in some states. They select 1% of total juniors in each state not 1% of test takers. Lower scoring threshold states I would guess are primarily due to lower % of juniors taking the PSAT.</p>
<p>Makes one wonder why some colleges (UofAlabama for instance) would give free tuition to a NMF who might only have a 202 score. Do they give free tuition for an equivalent SAT score of 2020? Don’t think so.</p>