<p>Whenever I lose control over my life, like when I get a bad grade, I cut myself... I know cutting isn't really good, but I just can't stop it, it diverts all my emotional pain into something I can acutally feel and control...</p>
<p>obviously it's bad.... but i have friends with the same problems... you are actually really strong.... a lot of people can't even handle that sort of pain and that's why we have suicide... all i can say is... you have to decide for yourself how you can deal with your problems... there's really no one who can help... i'm sorry... i hope you will get pass it</p>
<p>Don't cut class or you'll have no class.</p>
Don't cut class or you'll have no class.
<p>lol. ^^</p>
<p>Go see a counselor or something. Cutting is stupid and you can control doing it. It's not like you're being posessed by The Emo Cutter and then it feels like you've just waken up standing in front of your sink with blood all over you.</p>
<p>Please, tell an adult you trust, and see a professional that can help you.</p>
<p>getting a bad grade isn't losing control over your life, no need to cut urself over it.</p>
<p>Aww. That's really scary. I happen to be like utterly terrified of shots and needles and blood in general, but still, you really need to seek help.</p>
<p>That's gross. There are other ways to cope. Get a shrink to give you prozac or something.</p>
<p>You're not crazy or stupid, and you're not suicidal...you're using a bad mechanism to cope with your problems. There are easier, better, healthier ways to cope--try talking to a trusted adult</p>
<p>My approach is a little more moderate. I take my mind off whatever I don't like by inflicting pain on myself. Not by cuting myself though. I usually pinch myself or pull a finger backwards till it's about to break.
The only time I hurt myself was when I sunk my nails deep into my skin out of frustration over a certain event. It beld for a minute; but got my mind off it.
Don't cut yourself. It's not healthy; physically or mentally. If you're ****ed off at something -talk about it.</p>
<p>Masochism is bad.</p>
<p>I'm assuming that machostism means cutting oneself.</p>
<p>^not just cutting. inflicting pain on yourself.</p>
<p>including almost breaking fingers...</p>
<p>I didn't almost break them..I just pulled them back til the pain was too much. I know it's unhealthy, but talking to people isn't an option.</p>
<p>You don't have to use pain to make yourself feel better. Exercise, eat something good, talk to friends, whatever. Just don't shut yourself in and let the urge to hurt yourself control you. Passivity is bad. Do something about the problem, or if it's too much for you, find help or a healthy outlet. It's not hard--everyone else does it.</p>
<p>I've recently tried to use long walks as a way to get away from it all. It;s very realxing and keeps my fit. Plus it beats the excruciating pain pf twisting fingers.
The whole pain thing is actually a reflex. I've noticed that I do it without thinking. Everytime I'm ****ed off, I do it involuntarily.</p>
Don't cut yourself. It's not healthy; physically or mentally. If you're ****ed off at something -talk about it.
<p>What you're doing isn't really that different from cutting yourself.</p>
<p>I'm not making myself to bleed. I merely inflict a little pain. And I don't twist fingers all the time. I usually just pintch myself or pull a few hairs out of my head...little things.</p>
<p>For crying out loud, go see a therapist ASAP.</p>
I'm not making myself to bleed. I merely inflict a little pain. And I don't twist fingers all the time. I usually just pintch myself or pull a few hairs out of my head...little things.
That's... still not exactly good for you. I'd say that's a pretty bad way of getting your frustration out. Go exercise or something instead.</p>