D21 journey

Agree with @twogirls Love Roch, but it is definitely not in the rah-rah camp.

I think someone is moving to the SAT.

She just took a practice test and got a 700 EW/670 Math with no specific SAT prep. That 1370 is the equivalent of a 30. She said she loved having more time and could definitely improve since she was probably still working too fast because she’s used to the ACT clip. She got all of the non-MC questions correct on math so I thought that was a good sign too.

1390 is a 31. That’s just 20 more points.
1420 is a 32. That’s 50 more points.

She seems relieved and pretty glad to say sayonara to ACT science.

I signed her up for March SAT. She still has a seat for the Feb ACT so I might throw her in there or we will just eat the cost and she will skip it.

Great news @homerdog!

@elena13 Thanks! She was pretty happy with that math score since she got a 600 math on the PSAT. Weirdly enough, S19 also did better on SAT math than PSAT math.

That’s great! And since this score and the format will likely boost her confidence, it seems like she will go into the next round of test prep with a positive attitude and will add to her motivation.

^^ great job with the SAT practice test! Things are slowly falling into place.

It’s going to be fun to see where she applies next fall. You just might be looking at a different set of colleges than your initial list?

@elena13 Yes that’s my hope as well. We looked back at S19’s scores and he started at a 1400 and ended up at 1540 studying on his own. She got a big kick out of how she got a 700 EW on this test and he got a 650 on his first EW. Confidence from something like that is a good thing.

S19’s EW full practice tests went 650, 660, 700, 680 and then he pulled out a 740 on the real deal. He’s home so he’s been sweet and very supportive. Told her there’s no where to go but up and he’ll help her with math if she likes.

@socaldad2002 not getting ahead of ourselves. At all. Just hoping she will feel better about starting fresh with a new test and not having to go back to studying more for ACT. I’m realistic about any increases. Some kids did get into Richmond ED with a 1370 and a 1400 according to the CC thread so that’s good to know.

Good news @homerdog!

That reaction is as revealing as her scores. Comfort and confidence are important components of test taking. It seems you have your answer. That’s great!

Big news today at school. Leadership team announced for yearbook and D is editor in chief! The interview process was intense. The application was a dozen questions and the kids also needed teacher recs and then had to interview with the two teachers who run yearbook and the head of the English dept. Our yearbook tends to win national awards and this will be a big job for D. She’s thrilled!

Congratulations! That’s great news ?

Congrats!!! ?

Congratulations to your daughter!!

So awesome that she is taking advantage of the opportunities at her high school and making the most out of her experience. Plus she is doing what she likes while getting to show her leadership skills at the same time. I love how things are coming together for her…someone said something about the “harder you try, the luckier you get”.

So, spring break is booked. We are seeing Davidson, Wake, W&L, and Richmond. D wants to take a pass on Elon. She will be sure to find a different “safety”. We spoke to two current Elon students from our town. While they are making the most of Elon, there were just too many things that concerned us and I think we can find another school with a better fit where she’s likely to get in. Also, she emailed the head of the dance department at Elon to ask about dance outside the major and got no response. She waited two weeks and then followed up with the same question to one of the professors in the dept and still no answer. Not a good impression.

I know W&L is known as more southern and conservative even than the other three schools. We have a friend who has a D at Bowdoin and an S at W&L. He is not conservative and is having a very positive experience. I also like that W&L has a little bit of a preprofessional bent but it’s steeped into the liberal arts experience. I also think it will be very interesting to compare W&L and Davidson.

Also, D has been studying for the SAT. Feeling good about it. We will have her take full practice tests again soon and decide if she wants to meet with the tutor. I left it up to her whether she wants to take the Feb ACT. She said sure. Nothing to lose and I’ve already paid for the seat. She will work on the science section using some of the tips I got from the tutor over the phone. She’s really already maxed out her studying for the other three sections. She won’t spend much time studying for science since she really feels like she’s ready to move on to the SAT so she’ll just put in a few hours right before the Feb test.

Who knows, maybe she can increase her superscore to 30. She could score higher in any category since her highest subscore is only 33 in English. All of the SAT studying is also reviewing reading and English. She’s not feeling a lot of pressure so that could help too.

Sounds like a great spring break trip! Will be interesting to hear the impressions of the visits.

I hope you enjoy the visits!

Thanks @twogirls !

@vistajay We’ve been to Davidson but not to the other three. I’m super curious how D will react to each of them.