<p>That’s very good news artvandelay1. Keep waiting. They’re taking soooooo longggggg… And now they’re gonna drop the news during spring break…</p>
<p>No word yet… but no facebook group either… I’m wondering how many people have been accepted so far and should i just give up hope now? because I die just a little inside every time I check my email…</p>
<p>are we gonna get an email if we are rejected? the waiting is killing me</p>
<p>Yeah they send rejection emails, I think from previous years they were sent around 20th March. This whole process of stalking our emails and facebook could potentially last another week and a half!!</p>
<p>It calms me a little to see other people haven’t got their notifications, either good or bad, either…</p>
<p>I received my acceptance email on March 1st, good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>Well what can I say, congrats FrogIce! And I just got really tired of this waiting thing.</p>
<p>Congratulations FrogIce! Can you please let me know whether you got any documents by post which we might need to work in Germany?</p>
<p>Hey Guys,</p>
<p>Its great that there is a CC page for this too. Haha. </p>
<p>I got my letter on the 1st of March too. I think everyone will hear back by the 18th of March, esp since that is the deadline by which everyone offered has to get back to DAAD with a yes or a no.</p>
<p>I got into the Microsystems Engineering and Energy Harvesting project at the University of Freiburg. Very Excited!!</p>
<p>Congrats to those who got in!! And best of luck to all waiting…u know u worked hard…good things will definitely happen. :)</p>
<p>Hoping to hear from someone who will also be at or nearby Freiburg.</p>
<p>Alles Gute!!</p>
<p>Wow, congratulations everyone! Hopefully we can find out the result within this week.</p>
<p>I interviewed with someone from Heidelberg in mid-February but still have not heard back from the program. I have other options, but I just hope they email us soon so I can finalize my summer plans. Congrats to the others who have already received their acceptances!</p>
<p>Seems that everyone has not heard back is rejected.
Havent heard back yet</p>
<p>I was admitted yesterday. I wouldn’t worry too much. The people admitted on March 1st had either really high GPAs or were selected for the most popular projects.</p>
<p>Just got my rejection e-mail this morning. I guess the only hope now is alternate spots, but I’m not clinging onto that very much. This was my only shot at it since I’m a junior now, so oh well! At least I have a backup plan for the summer…</p>
<p>I got rejected this morning too. Well, good luck to everyone else!</p>
<p>I got in too Are you all going to do it? I really want to, but I’m not sure if the stipend is enough to cover expenses.</p>
<p>I was told that the stipend was more than enough to cover living expenses. However airfare is expensive and plus I’d want to travel on the weekends. I’m waiting to hear back from one more summer program. Right now, DAAD is my only option so it looks like I’ll be accepting the offer.</p>
<p>Who told you that the stipend is more than enough to cover living expenses? If that’s the case, I’ll definitely do it (particularly as I have a funding source for the airfare). I’d be happy to chip into my own savings for a couple of weekend trips - I guess working three jobs during semester pays off eventually But I definitely don’t have thatttt much savings that I can chip into…</p>
<p>10 or so people did the program from my school last year. I was talking to a few of them. It also depends where you’re placed of course. If you’re in Munich I doubt the stipend will cover everything. I was placed in Hamburg so I’ll probably be cutting it close if I go.</p>
<p>Can somebody who is selected please tell me when we will get the letter of award and other documents?</p>