<p>At my school, dances are particularly lame. We have one semiformal in the winter and a combined junior/senior prom. I'm curious about how other schools have fun. </p>
<p>Anyone have interesting dance/prom stories?</p>
<p>I'll start. Last year, my friend got a little...impaired... and started grinding on her math teacher. The fact that he had just come here from another country and didn't really know American customs made it even better.</p>
<p>I didn’t go to any dance in high school, including prom, despite my mother’s urging. Thought it would be a waste of time and money; I didn’t want to grind, so I was gonna get stuck standing around for a long time in uncomfortable clothes getting some of the food/drink every once in a while? Why bother?</p>
<p>On the other hand, I DID go to my middle school prom.</p>
<p>we just had our formal… I guess senior prom… last night… so like not worth the money we spent… seriously insane, over $300 on the dress and then $200 doing hair/nails/make up… i envy guys</p>
<p>lol. I didn’t go to my junior prom, but another friend took me to his junior prom while i was a sophmore. It was okay. I don’t think it’s worth the money but i’m definitely going to my senior prom…</p>