dang it i was late for the state fitness test mile run by 5 seconds

<p>I have yet to experience a “runners high” = /.</p>

<p>i think it’s because from lack of practice and not enough training…blech.</p>

<p>To get a runner’s high you really have to be pushing it and kinda need to be in shape.</p>

<p>Olleger, I have only had a “runner’s high” once during a two-mile race for a pentathlon meet. It is definitely worth it. Got first place. </p>

<p>However, I have been running for years. It’s okay, though. I am really happy after, and sometimes during, my running workouts.</p>

<p>I just got new running shoes today. :smiley: I am usually an Asics person, but I really fell in love with a pair of Saucony shoes. Yay!</p>

<p>Do most schools not train people for the mile? I don’t see how people could so frequently get times over 9 minutes if so. In gym here, we run everyday for more than two months, usually twice, but sometimes once and other times thrice, around the quarter-mile track. Of course, there are always a few people who walk all of those practice runs and end up “running” a 15 minute mile, but they don’t number many.</p>

<p>^People who do well on the Mile probably play a sport…</p>



<p>You waited until halfway through Track season?</p>

<p>^^I play no sports and I always got A’s on the mile, which was like highish 7’s for girls.</p>

<p>(It was so much easier for girls to get A’s in gym. A pull up attempt was a B.)</p>

<p>“You waited until halfway through Track season?”</p>

<p>Um, yes. My parents do not pay for any “extras” and that includes running shoes. A good pair can be $60-80. I had to pay my car insurance and save for gas before I could get shoes. It wasn’t my choice. The shoes I had before, I actually had for way over a year. They went through track season last year, cross country season this year, AND all through track up to this point. I have a nasty case of shin splints. But that’s reality. Sometimes you have to wait for things you really want.</p>

<p>So sorry I don’t have enough money. Some people actually have to have jobs to buy things. Some kids don’t have their mommies and daddies to pay for everything for them.</p>

<p>We don’t really train at all here. Like I said, most teachers really don’t care. We run it maybe two or three times during the semester, and then we run it for the final. There are some teachers that make their classes do it more.</p>

<p>^^Way to take offense to a pretty benign statement there.</p>

<p>Fo geeze… your school is strict for making you have to get under 11. You need to get under 25 in my school, and if you can’t do that after 3 tries, they make you participate in physical activity for 30 minutes.</p>



<p>It’s distance to a sprinter. Anything past the 800 = pshhh.</p>

<p>I have friends who run XC who tell me about their mile repeat workouts. I look at them, say “pshhh,” and walk away.</p>

<p>Ah, I used to want to do XC. I ran 2 miles Mondays and Thursdays, 3 miles Tuesdays and Fridays, and 4 miles on Wednesdays. I skipped Saturdays because I had entirely too much ballet and Sundays because I had entirely too much homework. And then I got the stomach flu. Nowadays, I have no stamina.</p>

<p>Maybe you could just devote some more time towards running. Have you considered becoming involved in a sport?</p>

<p>My P.E. teacher made my class run half of a mile each day. In addition, we did about 10 practice miles throughout the year, so I think that was beneficial for us. Everyone (out of a class of ~50 students) ended up receiving a mile time under 8 minutes.</p>

<p>I’m a sprinter AND an XC runner and I assure you that the mile is NOT long distance. It’s middle ground with the 800m.</p>

<p>I run a 6:00 mile, congrats you almost doubled my time]]</p>

<p>haha jk but you should work on that because that means you are either really out of shape, incredibly lazy, or (more likely) a combination of the two</p>

<p>I was using hyperbole lol.</p>

<p>In literal terms, what I mean is “I’ve never been timed at a meet for the mile, and therefore don’t care too much about it.” </p>

<p>Btw, what events do you run? Do you stick to the 400 and sprint medley, or do you do the 100 and 200 as well? I know one other runner who can do both pretty well, but we usually stick him in the sprint med for the 800.</p>

<p>I ran an 11:00 in 6th grade, and around that area for junior high.</p>

<p>I ran an 8:25 last year. The trick is to just moderately jog for the entire thing and to not walk at all.</p>

<p>my new school has a ****ty curriculum for EVERY subject, even P.E.
we only run 2 days a week, and you can even walk, no time limit
i guess i got carried away with conversing with my friends T^T
@ my old school, we ran everyday and if you walked you would lose points for your grade, and there was a time limit</p>