<p>I just took this from the Harvard board where they were coming up with some clever names for the massive rejection of very qualified students come decision day. How do you guys and gals feel about this? Do you all think it's going to be as bad as the Stanford Slaughter or the MIT Massacre?</p>
<p>Nah, I don’t think so. </p>
<p>Harvard and Stanford both had applications close to or exceeding 30,000.</p>
<p>Dartmouth received about 18,000 (according to a letter). </p>
<p>While MIT had fewer than Dartmouth, I think fewer less-qualified people apply to MIT. Their scores and such are relatively higher.</p>
<p>I think Dartmouth gives out fewer of those “WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!?!?!”-ish rejections.</p>
<p>I hope I don’t get one of those 'WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!?!?!" rejections. I am praying heavily until March 31. Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>Dartmouth will accept about 11% this year, so 89% of applicants will probably see it as a massacre. And since the ED rate is much higher than RD because many of the hooked applicants apply then, somewhere around 95% of RD applicants are sure to see it that way. Then break it down further by looking at the 20% of URMs that will be part of the class and are not among the hooked that typically apply ED, and the number of non URM RD applicants who will get in is shockingly small.</p>
<p>So if you don’t get in, keep all of the above in mind and don’t let it feel like a personal rejection. Dartmouth has, in the last few years, joined the ranks of the lottery schools.</p>
<p>^^Every time I read this, I’m amazed that my S got in. An unhooked white boy from New England, neither a val nor a sal. It’s not like he didn’t have outstanding stuff on his application, but still!</p>
<p>Me too Consolation! My son is a wonderful, smart kid, but I feel lke he won the lottery.</p>
<p>Don’t you guys LOVE masturbatory threads?</p>
<p>Dartmouth Destruction, or Dartmouth Death</p>
<p>Dartmouth Downfall?</p>
<p>Dartmouth Defeat, Dartmouth Decking…</p>
<p>ED this year was absolutely a decimation.</p>
<p>Decimation means losing one in 10, so Destruction would be more accurate. (Misuse of decimation is a pet peeve of mine. )</p>
<p>Is anyone as nervous as I am right now?</p>
<p>ahaha, lol someone else on the Harvard thread where I took that name from also said the exact same thing as you about losing 1 in 10.</p>
<p>i have kinda given up already…for one mediocre applicant like me, there are hundreds of much higher achieving applicants out there.</p>
<p>^^ That’s EXACTLY my though process. And the posts where people with poo scores and GPA’s that are regular non URM that get in give me hope.</p>
<p>I agree with Consolation on the improper use of Decimation. I believe that word’s origins comes from the Romans who would kill 1 of 10 of its soldiers that did not stay in the battle and ran. It was used to keep the soldiers from fleeing the battle. </p>
<p>PS. It will be nice to have our students home for the next two weeks.</p>
<p>Dartmouth Demoliton, Dartmouth Destruction, Dartmouth…
Can’t think of anymore.</p>
<p>lol i’m beginning to really think i’m not gonna get into anywhere besides rutgers</p>
<p>S’okay, I reckon I’m into Mount Holyoke and Dalhousie. Other than that…HAH. :|</p>