Date Life at Elite Universities and LACS for AA Students?

<p>Oh yeah.
I also don’t like a lot of mainstream rap because of how it at times promotes colorism.
Ain’t nobody got time for that. xD</p>

<p>My sister goes to a state school thats 3% black, and the dating scene is pretty good for her. but you’d think whites would be the first to look down on interracial couples at a school where only 3% of the people are black, but alot of it comes from african-americans. the double standard sucks. but really you just have to make an effort. if you like someone, just go for it! you’d be surprised if you tried, because sometimes you think you have no chance, but the other person is probably thinking the same.</p>

<p>It must be a challenge</p>

<p>@alexis Have you ever heard the song that goes “Light skinned girls, you know I love 'em” LOL, colorism is a huge issue in the AA community imo though.</p>

<p>Really date life at any college can be questioned. I attended an hbcu and there were 7 girls for each guy. Years later, many women are still single. I read that black women are the most likely to be single for the majority of their lives.</p>

<p>In fact, the article was about how according to census data, black women are the least likely of women to marry outside their race contributing to the high rate of single hood and loneliness.</p>


Why is this? Is it because some black women feel as if black men are the only ones who will “understand them” or “be able to handle them”? I’ve heard this from my aunts countless times.</p>

<p>I think there are legitimate historical, emotional and psychological reasons as well as upbringing, culture and personal preference all factored in to this along with a degree of racial loyalty involved.</p>

<p>Actually, I’ve done research in this area which leads to a finding many don’t want to hear. Many of these single women are near or below the poverty line. The easiest and fastest way to ameliorate poverty in the black community is thru marriage and, by virtue of supply and demand, inter-racial marriage could end poverty more than any handout or subsidy ever could come close to doing.</p>

No I haven’t, but that sounds extra ratchet. LOL
And yeah, colorism is so pathetic. -_-||</p>

<p>Practically every black girl I’ve ever met would DIE before dating interracially, lol. I’m just like, um, black guys don’t seem to want you so… xD</p>


<p>That may partly explain the quote, but many men of other races simply do not find black women attractive.</p>

<p>I can’t claim to represent all men but I’m not much different from many.</p>

<p>I’ve heard black women say many men from other races aren’t attracted to them. </p>

<p>As a man, race is low on my list of criteria that make up my preferences. A lot of guys think in terms of body parts, height, hair color, personality, style, etc. Obviously, a guy that loves blondes has pretty much ruled out a race or long, flowing hair, etc. but these aren’t on everyone’s list. I like legs, a pretty face and good personality which is probably why race is low on my list but I found much of that at an HBCU.</p>

<p>I’m not saying the statement is completely invalid either. I’ve seen people hurt, especially in the stupid high school years, and how that hurt is interpreted impacts future decisions.</p>

<p>Generally, I think people when adults have their circles. If they are mixed race circles, relationships may form, if not, they don’t.</p>

<p>They aren’t.
And why would they? With all the negative stereotypes about black women being so entrenched in this nation’s media, it’s no wonder no one likes them. Reality is harsh.</p>

<p>My self-esteem and feelings have often been hurt because at just a physical level (ignoring the fact that most of these people probably give no care about their classes or what comes after graduation), these females really don’t seem that attractive. That’s just my opinion because it’s not my place to judge, but I don’t think the certain “fly” look (not just a weave, but a really horrible-looking one, fifty different colors in one outfit, gigantic earrings, lots of makeup, an air of rachetness for lack of better word, haha) is pretty; and yet, those are the girls who get all the AA guys. Of course, the fact that I go to a large public school in Texas is a factor in what is perceived as “pretty.” But I feel I look decent and barely get a second glance in hallways. </p>

<p>I post that not to whine (because why would I want to date a guy who looks for those kinds of things in a female), but to point out how connected black culture is to how we perceive “pretty” or “handsome.” And I feel like once you take a couple steps out of that culture, you lower your chances of finding an AA to date. You dress a certain way and you’re “try’na be white.” </p>

<p>And at an elite university, perhaps people have already given up on dating within their race because of high school experiences, and therefore gravitate toward a race that’s more likely to participate in a culture outside of certain [and even negative] aspects of black culture. Maybe black males aren’t attracted to black females in college because their high school experiences with AA females were bad or there weren’t enough females who had stepped outside certain aspects of black culture. Maybe that should make black males more determined when they get to college, but maybe it just doesn’t.</p>

<p>I thought you guys might appreciate these surveys and stats from OKCupid:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; (Heterosexual)
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; (Same Sex)</p>

<p>The average age is definitely older than college-aged, but it goes well with the recent discussion of black women’s willingness to date and marry interracially. The black women, on OkCupid at least, are more than willing, but the men, and women in the same sex situations, of other races do not so often respond in kind.</p>

<p>@beyonce Not to sound conceited or anything (believe me I am VERY far from that) but I think that a lot of black guys are intimidated by the black girls who are in AP classes, not obnoxiously loud, and pretty in a not rachet way. There are only like three black guys in my classes, the rest are mostly in CP. I am good friends with those guys (one is also a jock),and I have heard them tell others that they thought I was pretty. However, I have not been talked to by guys much in hs. I have gotten a second glance or been flirted with a little or been asked my name, but people tell me that I can come off as a little snobby or mean. I’m not!!</p>

<p>I think that when nonblack guys say that black girls are not attractive, they are mostly talking about the rachets-which make up the majority of the black girls at my school. Hispanic, white, and asian guys have all told me I was pretty, so I don’t know. Plus, ask almost ANY guy, and they are going to say Beyonce is pretty. My circle of friends is mostly the black girls in AP, and imo they are nice looking, so why have almost none of them had bf’s in hs, but the rachets have a new one every two weeks?</p>

<p>Sent from my SGH-T589 using CC</p>

<p>Lol @ “the ratchets.”</p>

<p>I can’t. xD
And I agree. When I was in school black guys complained about the attitudes, weaves and ghettoness of the black girls.
But get this. Those were the ONLY types of girls they’d date. They shunned the intelligent black girls, called us white and treated us like trash. O___o And the guys talking were at the bottom of my class and NOT intellectual, so they had no room to even speak. They complained about weaves and then complained natural hair, too (I showed up to school with a huge fro once and received SO MANY negative responses from just the black guys). There were only three black guys who spoke English properly in my senior class. One didn’t understand the importance of getting good grades and only dated Caucasian girls, one was intellectual (got into two Ivies) but was gay and the last one was perfect, but didn’t talk. Ever. Actually, I’m not even sure he was black. Lolololo </p>

<p>Many of the black guys I’ve met praise white girls constantly (understandable), which is probably why I have no patience for dating one, but that’s an entirely different debate. :D</p>



<p>Perfect. Just perfect.</p>

<p>I sense sarcasm, broski. </p>

<p>I senseeeeeee it.

<p>I hate the fact that a lot of the AA girls I know are the type mentioned in Alexis’ comment. In my area, it’s so hard to find an AA girl that can speak properly, is intelligent, and is actually amicable instead of having an attitude that drives people away. I can’t wait for college so I can meet more ideal AA girls: those who are amicable, intelligent, vivacious, and are just fun to be around. Until I get there, I refuse to lower my standards and condescend to someone who is not like me. Unless I date outside of my race or find the aforementioned “ideal” AA girl, I guess I’ll stay single :/</p>