<p>What debate camp/workshop/institute/summer program is there that really let's a lot of time in actually debating other people (though I also want to focus on public forum debate) -- and hopefully it's prestigious, and if it's a resume boost, a plus :) </p>
<p>I've been looking at Michigan Plus (?), Dartmouth Debate Workshop (for 10th, 11th), and Stanford's Debate Institute...</p>
<p>I'm not sure which ones are good out there. </p>
<p>I'm rising junior, so ... yea. </p>
<p>Btw, am I totally missing out by NOT applying to TASP this summer? What exactly is TASP?</p>
<p>Which would be the most “prestigious” debate camp? </p>
<p>The thing is, I want to make sure that I’m not doing the “COMPLETELY pursuing what I’m interested” mistake, but also not completely caring about what colleges think ;)</p>
<p>Or is the only way colleges would think you’re OK is if you do some math or science camp?</p>
<p>I might just send my app to all and see what I get back. </p>
<p>So far I’ve got: </p>
<p>Standford Debate Institute (I know won’t get in, but still worth trying)
2009 University of Kentucky National Debate Institutes
Michigan National Debate Institute
Dartmouth Debate Workshop (sophomores and juniors)
UTNIF (I like effective :D)</p>
<p>Now some “nooby” questions</p>
<p>1) Is there any “prestigious” and/or “effective” (more emphasis on the effective) summer debate camps out there that is not above there? </p>
<p>2) Some of them offer “policy” debate, while others offer “LD”. Are debate camps general enough that if you get “trained” in LD for example, that you’ll be better in other forms? </p>
<p>Because I know I’ll be doing mostly public forum debates, and I’m not sure if that’s part of “policy”…though that’s definitely not under LD. Does anyone know the differences between the debates, or possibly the “best” PFD summer camps? </p>
<p>1) Any other summer debate camps that are very effective <a href=“especially%20for%20public%20forum%20debate,%20or%20any%20in%20general”>/u</a> and </p>
<p>2) Should I consider camps that last 1 week? Or even 2 weeks? Due to the high amount of time spent on introductions? </p>
<p>3) Any in the above that I should get rid of because they are a “scam”, and/or are highly ineffective? (I’m eying the “Dartmouth Debate Workshop for Sophomores and Juniors” – it’s description says working on arguments – has anyone been to this one? Because I actually want to DEBATE, and have coaches tell me what’s wrong and how I can improve)</p>
<p>On the issue of not getting into the Stanford National Forensics Institute I can assure you that you will get in. I have attended SNFI for the past two years in Public Forum and Parli and the camp basically accepts everyone.</p>
<p>Not to say that the camp is not very useful because of this, simply debate camp is inherently rather self selecting.</p>
<p>Interesting! What other camps have you attended? (And are they useful?) </p>
<p>I’m just looking for useful ^^ :D</p>
<p>In the case of SNFI, I heard prices could go a bit cheaper, so I might look for possibly, more selective (though that might work against me), and MOST EFFECTIVE. </p>
<p>ya NSF and NDF are the best for pf debate, but honestly I don’t think that debate camps in pf are that great. The whole point of pf is to be extremely lay and therefore I don’t think they help a lot, other than research techniques that is.</p>