<p>Is the december act the hardest, be cause I thought math and science sections were much harder than previous ones. Also, anyone know from experience if the feb test is easier in any way.</p>
<p>The difficulty is just random. I thought the math was harder then usual, and the science was much harder than usual</p>
<p>If you read the other threads, then you would know, but yeah Science is supposedly the hardest anyone has seen and Math is supposed to be harder.</p>
<p>Math and Science were WAY harder. I thought reading was easy and english was normal.</p>
<p>What do you guys think -4,-5,-6 will be on the math?</p>
<p>i say -4 and -5 is a 34 and -6 a 33</p>
<p>Science was hands down the hardest section I’ve ever taken in a standarized test (including practice)</p>
<p>and I’ve done like 7 Real ACTS and over 20 SATs. I’ve never had as much trouble as I had with Science…</p>
<p>I had to guess on around ~10 questions!!! (to put this in perspective, I got 34-36 on the Science sections in practice and usually 2200-2300 on the SAT)</p>
<p>I’ll be happy if I can make a 30</p>
<p>Seriously, I wasted 5 mins trying to get my act together on the Science section after freakening out because I couldn’t understand anything.</p>
<p>Yeah, I couldn’t understand science -_-, sat there for a few mins halfway through thinking what the ****</p>
<p>I literally prob got like 20 wrong lol</p>
<p>“i say -4 and -5 is a 34 and -6 a 33”</p>
<p>Ive never seen the curve this generous in math.</p>
<p>June 2007 Math Curve:</p>
<p>-0, -1: 36
-2, -3: 35
-4: 34
-5, -6: 33
-7: 32
-8: 31
-9, -10: 30</p>
<p>After looking through the June 2007 math test, I think that this December test was a little harder.</p>
<p>^dang that is one generous curve!</p>
<p>i thought english was harder than usual (not too much). math (pretty easy over-all expect last 20 questions). reading (suck at it anyways, but found it easier than past reading tests). science (shoot me in the head!)</p>
<p>seriously, what was the ACT thinking with this science section? lol</p>
<p>ACT curves are never generous.</p>
<p>Math guess:
-0: 36
-1: 35
-2: 34
-3, -4: 33
-5: 32
-6: 31</p>
<p>Science guess:
-0: 36
-1: 35
-2: 34
-3: 32
-4: 31
-5: 29</p>
<p>^but the June ACT science was even more generous than that and the consensus here is that this science section was harder than that one</p>
<p>I read no one really knows how the ACT does the curve, however:
If the average ACT score was 22 in June, would the ACT staff curve December’s score so the average would be 22 also?</p>
<p>(Reason being, if it is not curved, Colleges might not know that a 30 on the Dec exam should really be worth a 33 on previous exams)</p>
<p>^ i’m pretty sure you’re wrong… i’m not trying say who is right and who is wrong put, there is ALWAYS some sort of curve of etc… it changes every test depending on the difficulty of sections so they can be comparable to other test dates … can someone back me up</p>
<p>not to you romano but to UHSdebater</p>
<p>ACT curves are always on the brutal side. Good luck guys.</p>