Your Preparation For SAT II World History Dec 2008

<p>Could everyone talk briefly about your preparation for the upcoming SAT II World History ?</p>

<p>When is the test supposed to be taken? I’m right in the middle of a World History course now, so…</p>

<p>This is what I’m doing:</p>

<p>I am typing a summary of each chapter out on the computer… It takes a long time, but I always study like that: You already learn in the process of typing.
I just finished the last chapter (Barron’s) and from monday until friday I am just going to study, study, study and just remember all the important facts! You know, I think there is just TOO much information, but hey, we have to deal with it right?</p>

<p>What are you doing yourself?</p>

<p>Barron’s. Tons of pages left, but I’m a quick reader and I retain info well.</p>

<p>I use Barron’s right now ! What about Kaplan and Princeton ? Is it useful ???</p>

<p>How much wrong answers could we get to still get an 800 in WH ???</p>

<p>Like… 10, right?</p>

<p>does anyone know of free practice tests for world history? i have been unable to find any</p>

<p>The curve is pretty generous. 15-20 wrong is around an 800. </p>

<p>Princeton Review is a terrible guide. I personally didn’t like its mock exams either.</p>

<p>Kaplan is pretty good and middle of the road - some love it, some hate it.</p>

<p>Barron’s is fantastic. The SAT II version seems a bit detail orientated, which can hurt your ability to make broad comparisons. The AP version is pretty solid.</p>

<p>The test is upcoming !!! Does anyone have to cram like me ??</p>

<p>Yes, I do… I guess!</p>

<p>But one thing: do you guys really learn EVERY term and ALL the people?
It’s driving me nutts!</p>

<p>I read through Barron’s (a lot of details) and get a gist of every chapter. Then I answer the review questions !</p>

<p>Are you guys using AP or SAT II Barron’s? The SAT II version seems to have a lot more detail-specific information. </p>

<p>Any good practice test books? Do the PR practice tests suck that much?</p>


<p>I am using SAT II Barron’s. I never saw that AP book, so I don’t know which one is better actually. But I’m studying, and I just forget everything… There is just too much information. How do you guys handle all the information that’s given?
I really don’t know how to memorize ALL the facts, names, places and yadaya… </p>

<p>=( Feel really desperate</p>

<p>Me too. Have a tons of pages left</p>

<p>just finished with it:) looking foreward to the practice tests 2morrow and some more in depth review, like the revolutionary leaders in Southamerica, outline the dynasties in China, shogunates in Japan and especially the phiolosphers and artists after 1500…</p>

<p>I love this book BECAUSE it is so detailed:)</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>P.S Anyone have a link to free practice tests online? Sparknotes doesnt have one for WH, right?</p>

<p>Well, Good for you!</p>

<p>I have not prepared in the conventional sense, nor have I taken a WAS class since like 9th grade. I figure that it shouldn’t be too bad. I’ll just do what I normally do and hope that I can get 800 from that. what kinds of questions are people having trouble with?</p>

<p>What score would I get if I omitted 21 questions and got, say, 10 others wrong?</p>