Decision Made?

My son applied at the end of August and when we check his application status it says decision made but it is nowhere to be found. His file is not complete yet. They need his transcript and SAT scores. He had a 3.05 gpa and 1060 SAT. We are from GA. Is it a bad decision? Thoughts?

Check to see if he could submit his freshman enrollment deposit in his myBama account. if so, he was accepted.

I suspect he has a qualified admission - i.e., he’ll be admitted as long as his SAT scores and transcript confirm what was included in his application. It’s probably just a formality at this point. Perhaps check with his high school to make sure the transcript has been sent?

Thank you for your reply!

Thank you for your reply!

Not likely rejected because Bama usually just asks for a new test score or later grades if that’s an issue.

Go to mybama…are there new tabs?? If so, he’s in.

It looks like they received his scores today. I am crossing my fingers for him! I don’t want to call them and ask… he just got accepted to UAB today. But, he definitely wants UA. No new tabs yet :frowning:

He got in! Woo hoo! Deposit submitted! Thanks everyone!

Congratulations @CAtoGAMom! Will he be deciding between UA and a Georgia university? I know you have some great (and well-priced) options in state.

I don’t think so @LucieTheLakie Candidly, it would probably be between UA and Auburn (not in yet). Some of my husband’s colleagues are worried about the “party” atmosphere of UA. Our son is not a partier. Do you have any thoughts? I really appreciate this forum for these topics. I know nothing. I am only familiar with CA schools and their reputations. Thanks for your guidance! We loved UA and visited on Thursday. It is a gorgeous campus.

DS is a junior at UA. Partying is not his thing. He does go to all the football games, has a friend group in his major as well as a different group outside his major. he plays a couple of club sports, one competively, is envolved in church, and just started a co-op rotation. He loves the school and his experience.

@2015pop thank you for your reply!

@CAtoGAMom, I can’t speak to the differences between the partying at UA and that of AU, but they’re both in the SEC, where football is a big deal and everything that goes along with it.

In my experience, I think partying pretty much takes place at any large school - it did when I attended Penn 35 years ago (bad football!) and certainly did at Penn State (good football!) when my sister was a student there. (Both unis have excellent engineering programs FWIW.) And I’m guessing, with the exception of UCSD, there’s a lot of partying at UCs too.

Certainly, nobody is obligated to participate!

(And I’m not going to claim that my kid never parties, but it hasn’t affected his GPA. :slight_smile: )